Monday, April 6, 2015

Jobs Act, the eye of the EU on microchips and bracelets to control … – The Daily


Microchip in work boots or in helmets, GPS built-in belts, bracelets vibrating at the wrists “as the prisoners ” or cameras : New technologies are making the worker more and more like a cyborg controllable style Big Brother . The justification of the companies that apply these devices (“we increase the Security and improve the organization of work,” is the refrain) are not convincing, however in full. Many complain that it is just a way to control more stringent production rates and “squeeze” the employee. And the Fiom dragging its feet: the secretary Typhoid has clarified that the metalworkers’ union on this front aims to “maintain the contractual and legislative background”.

No revolution: Europe is watching us – The discipline of remote control contained in Article 4 of the Workers’ Statute could be distraught in the next few decrees of Jobs Act : Article 7 is expected in fact “review of regulation of remote controls on the plants and the tools of work, taking into account the ‘ technological evolution and reconciling the needs of the enterprise with the production and organizational protection of dignity and privacy the worker. ” The Minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti , which in recent days has anticipated that “August 1 all the decrees will be definitively approved”, will also need to take into account the news arriving from Strasbourg. On 1 April, the Council of Europe has in fact addressed to the 47 Member States a “ Recommendation ” (actually an update to the provisions in 1989) on the principles to be followed when legislation on work, privacy and new technologies. In paragraphs 15 and 16 explicitly refers to the technologies used to track workers and those systems can reveal their position: the text stresses that monitoring the activity of the employee can not be the main purpose, but only the ‘ indirect consequence for action to protect the production and the health and safety of workers. On the contrary it is absolutely forbidden to control “activities and behaviors” of employees and use of cameras or other surveillance systems in locker , tables and recreational areas . Is then reiterated the need for a compare with unions .

implementation Decree on the remote control: “Nothing yet of light “ – It will increase the level of control really? has contacted Vincenzo Martino , vice president of the National Association Lawyers Italian labor law (Agi). Which is cautious: “The enabling law is very general: you pull in dance work equipment but do not understand what it means in practice. Too early to say what will be the actual changes. The personal feeling is, however, that you will go to more extensive forms of control. ” Then take a look at the current situation: “The remote control – explains Martino citing the statute of workers – may have to object not the individual worker but the general organization of production, and in any event prior union agreement or authorization of the labor inspectorate. No instrument can be designed to control exclusively the employee. Any unilateral act of the company is Illicit . “

The microchip Fincantieri, bracelet” as the prisoners “and the GPS in the belt A to rekindle the debate on the remote control has been the recent request for Fincantieri to apply a micro-chip to the boots or helmets of the workers: “It will be used for control at a distance “, reaffirm the company. But Bruno Papignani , responsible for national Fiom Fincantieri, states: “There is not even think to accept such a proposal.” Papignani is also secretary of Fiom in Emilia Romagna, where “unfortunately these extravagant demands if they feel more and more.” In recent months, has caused a sensation in the case of the Obi of Piacenza. At first it seemed that the company wanted to apply a vibrating bracelet (“as the prisoners”, attacked the Uiltucs ) to committed to monitor response times to service requests Customer: “The project remained on paper,” he clarified, however the company. Storm two years ago also on the group Elior , bar manager dell’autogrill MyChef Bologna: employees on the night shift were asked to wear a belt with integrated GPS. “Stuff to Big Brother, it’s just a modern way to get back to the nineteenth century,” gloss Papignani.

The cameras INPS – In 2013 did discuss the request of the Directorate of INPS to apply cameras in agencies of Romano di Lombardia and Treviglio. The “case” was solved: “The cameras – reported in the local official of the FP-CGIL Dino Pusceddu – pointing right on the front-office workers and partly on those in the back-office. We got that you change the angle of the devices. “

The microchip under the skin: between fiction and reality – The control of the workers is very developed in United States. In 2013 an article (“The boss is watching”) appeared on the The Wall Street Journal reported a search for ‘ Aberdeen Group that about a third of the companies were monitoring through electronic devices Employees called to work outside. Finally, the proposal has caused a stir in the Swedish Epicenter to apply a microchip under the skin to its employees, in order to replace the classic badge for opening doors or access the elevators.



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