Friday, May 3, 2013

The newspapers on the hunt for fans or followers. ... - The Republic

The study by Vincenzo Cosenza photographs the presence and use of these platforms by the newspapers engaged in a more detailed distribution of content. With Republic in the first row

SHARE photos, shake friendships, highlight events, moods and feelings, but not only. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have become for those who use the Internet one of the most important sources of information, thanks to the publications that here spread their content or to friends who comment and make “like” on the news read around the web. A field in which Republic , as shown by the latest study by Vincenzo Cosenza BlogMeter, occupies a position of recognized leadership compared to domestic competitors.


The presence and proper use of social media, along with the ability to engage readers, have quickly become the newspapers for a strategic part of editorial work, no less important than updating the homepage or the completion of articles and services necessary for a more detailed distribution of content. According to a recent study presented at the Festival of Perugia journalism in fact, almost one in five of an Italian who is enrolled in a social network learn the news from your contacts online.

In order to understand how effective the action on social by a head metrics are very different, ranging from a simple count of the number of fans or followers conquered the network, the reactions in

readers in various way can interact with the same news: through a comment, a retweet or a like.

“In the last year has increased significantly advance our understanding of the importance of social media by newspapers,” says Vincenzo Cosenza . “Now there is a greater emphasis on these instruments, although the overall picture is still not exciting.” In the study by BlogMeter have been taken into consideration the Facebook pages of 56 newspapers and Twitter accounts of 38, “but only 13-14 warheads manage to emerge from the group, the others are profoundly delayed in the use of these tools,” says Cosenza “and only six titles are among the industry leaders.”

In the research, presented at the recent Festival of Perugia journalism, Republic is in first position for the ability to interact with users, in front of the Daily Done , to FanPage and read . In the three-month survey (January to March), the Facebook page Republic has generated about 5 million “interactions”, a term which includes the like (over two million seven hundred thousand), comments ( over six hundred thousand), and shares (more than a million and a half). First place for the reactions to each shared content: 1.124 compared to 78 interactions industry averages.

Also interesting are the figures when it comes to Twitter, the microblogging site often able to anticipate the newspapers in the spread the news. Here Republic occupies the first position among the Italian newspapers for mentions, about two hundred thousand within two months of detection (from mid-February to mid-April), followed by Corriere della Sera and Fact Daily . First place to the audience active on the site blue bird, with a figure almost double compared to the first competitors.

Considering instead the “counts” of followers and fans on social networks, the Republic is ‘most followed account on Twitter, in front of the Gazzetta dello Sport and Daily Done . On the other hand Facebook is the online magazine FanPage to have more fans, about one million and 400 thousand, while the Republic with over a million and one hundred thousand is like first among the tested paper edition, followed by Fact Daily.

There are, however, even for the newspapers more virtuous aspects to work on in the future. “The content is still the most shared links, while Facebook has proven itself as the photos are more attractive to the reader,” notes Cosenza, “and then almost completely lacking content that can increase the interaction, such as surveys or videos . daughter also a choice of evaluation metrics force in the field, which reward the number of pages visited most of the interactions and the ability to engage the reader, even on social networks. “

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