Wednesday, May 1 – agg.13: 21 Technology Into FURTHER READING  glass google, twitter, app Into Into Laura Bogliolo Into ROME – tweet with eyes in the sea of ??the web. A lemon tree, an office and the hashtag # throughglass. And ‘the last yellow in the spy story called Google Glass, the augmented reality glasses that Big G is testing. Only a lucky few have already have Google Glass that allows to enter into a virtual dimension walking around the city. The latest chapter in yellow on ultra-technological ochiali was written on Monday night when it appeared the Twitter hashtag # throughglass , writes Techcrunch . Shiv Ramamurthi (@ mogrooth), developer of Twitter, tweeting a picture of a lemon tree and type “just shared a photo # throughglass.” The first to notice the tweet is the developer Jonathan Gottfried placed immediately that the screenshot of the original tweet that shortly after will be deleted. But after a few hours we will think Sop hia Yang (@ sophiayang), Google engineer, to fuel rumors of tests being run on Twitter App for Google Glass. Sophia, who in his Twitter profile shows off the Google Glass type the same phrase Shiv “just shared a photo # throughglass” tweets and the photo of an office. Laura.bogliolo @ Into Into Tuesday, April 30, 2013 – 18:43 Last update: 19:10 Into © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Into Into WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS ITEM TO YOUR FRIENDS? Into Into BECOME A FAN OF THE MESSENGER GALLERY | class=”c52″> Twitter, the App for Google Glass | TODAY FIRST FLOOR | class=”c57″> May Day, the alarm of the unions: the country without work dies. Read: we solve the problem or we fail ROME – Labour Day in a time of crisis stronger and stronger to … Into Shooting at Palazzo Chigi, Giangrande conditions improve but the prognosis remains reserved ROME – the prognosis remains reserved for the sergeant Joseph … Into IMU, first clash in the government. Berlusconi should be abolished or we are not. The CGIL: no cancellation for all ROME – The government of Enrico Letta collects confidence in the Senate … | | Into class=”c60″ - ROME
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