CARRARA. 302 participants, with an average age of 48 years: 62% are graduates, 30% holds firm, 26% self-employed, and only 6% is a representative of the institutions. From these “brains”, 30% of them women, are out of the 100 ideas for the revitalization of the province of Massa-Carrara, divided into 12 subject areas. The tables were the most attended tourism and construction, respectively composed of 34 and 32 people as the most “prolific”, were those dedicated to “innovations”, digital, technological and environmental, that have produced in the order 8 , 9 and 12 proposals: it was really a “tsunami” that began last March 14 by CarraraFiere, where he held “Create Network” the ideario wanted by the Chamber of Commerce of Massa-Carrara to revive our province . 100 ideas produced by 302 participants, divided into 12 thematic groups: culture, start up, education, digital innovation, technological innovation, environmental innovation, networks between territories, networks between companies, networks of infrastructure, construction, stone and tourism. All proposals have been collected and published on the site, With a lot of goals, roles and indications of possible market outlets. Impossible to mention them all, so we mention one for each table, with some “jerk” to the rule.
Culture: Creating a control unique array of local, that aggregates all public and private entities that finance cultural initiatives in the area for a proper programming to cultural activities and for the management of municipal cultural centers.
Start up : two ideas both linked to the world of education: the promotion in higher projects for the creation of new businesses and the creation of a design competition for pupils on the theme of the creation of start- up, to be presented on crowdfunding platforms.
Training : establishment of a technological center intended as continuing education on the model of the center / campus training.
Technology Innovation : establishment of a guarantee fund and other tools of crowdfunding and innovative finance to support investment companies’ technology locali.Innovazione digital: a proposal that borders on “tourism” for the development of a portal Internet for the networking of the rooms offered by the elementary structures of the province (second homes, B & amp; B, farm). Environmental innovation: defining models (eco-neighborhoods) recovery of neighborhoods that make the system sustainable public real estate, attracting public funding as a driver of private ones.
Networks between territories: management of land as cleaning, traffic management and organization in a project that involves the development of a dedicated “application” and a website.
Networks between companies: implementation of a service on enterprise networks at the Chamber of Commerce, which carries out the function of free aggregation point.
Networks infrastructure : creation of a control room for choices permanent infrastructure of the territory and the coordination of planning instruments. Creating one-stop shop for business and specialized competence over the entire municipal area industrial Apuan. Construction: Creating a platform of building operators in the industry (designers, suppliers, manufacturers …) divided into various sectors, in order to allow communication between different figures with different areas of expertise to form partnerships and attract funding. Among the ideas in this table we can not mention, in a nutshell, two, topical, concerning the recovery of historic centers and exploitation of the Carrara through a “plan of action”.
Stone Industry: is not new, but the confirmation of a necessity. The proposal in this case is the establishment of a consortium, the Carrara marble for purposes of identification of the material and processing it to be promoted through a web marketing.
Tourism: only to denote three titles there: establishment of a local brand, conversion of real estate assets in receptivity and widespread introduction of a system of public transport in the call to connect the historic centers of the capitals with their mountain areas and the sea.
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