Sunday, December 1, 2013

The comet is Ison 'resurrected'? -

Funeral undone: the comet Ison could be ‘resurrected’. According to the latest expert analysis of NASA, the comet would not be totally disintegrated during the close passage to the Sun: the images taken by space telescopes would show in fact a small core still intact which is recovering brightness.
 Videos ESA / NASA / SOHO / Jhelioviewer E ‘, however, still too early for a miracle: to have some more certainty we have to wait at least a couple of days, the time required to complete the analysis of the data collected.

According to preliminary reports, Ison would begin to crumble during its run at the Sun: at this stage would have lost many fragments of significant size, but not gigantic blocks. In his race through the solar corona, the comet would continue to lose pieces and to evaporate, loses the hair and tail, just as it did to the comet Lovejoy in 2011.
At the end of this difficult passage, it would be a resurfaced small group at the moment seems to have taken to emit dust and gas.

Karl Battams, in the first row in the observation campaign organized by NASA, says that it is still too early to say how great this nucleus or if the comet will again be bright. ” We have a new set of unknowns – said the expert – and this object so crazy, dynamic and unpredictable continues to amaze and confuse us. We ask you to wait a couple of days while we analyze the data to try to understand what is happening.”

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