Sunday, December 29, 2013

tests on animals were vital "- Corriere della Sera

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within the hospital of the University of Padova, armored

The doctor Catherine: “In his case
tests on animals were vital”

Andrea Vianello, director of respiratory pathophysiology: “Just because it’s rare diseases, it takes experimentation”

Catherine Simonsen in a photo taken from Facebook Catherine Simonsen in a photo taken from Facebook

PADUA – “Research, experimentation? Vitali, indispensable, in these cases. ” Andrea Vianello Cut Short, director of respiratory pathophysiology, University Hospital of Padua. His department, excellence at the national level, is to “block” (hospital), on the tenth floor, among his patients, the most famous resident of Italy, at least at this moment: it is Catherine Simonsen, the 25 year-old student of Veterinary Medicine in Bologna that, even thinking of his own story, he said, on the web, in favor “of animal testing, required for the real research.” All hell broke loose: a go-go offense by animal rights activists. And not only that: threats, and even “retroactive”: “You could have died at 9 years old.”

Catherine, video from the hospital and would like to thank those who have defense

The department is “sealed” . Yes, there are Christmas decorations, and the tree with its little lights flashing. But in the corridors do not enter. The staff is “lurking”, “Who are you? ‘. The only accessible part is the waiting room, with the monitor to watch Tv On the other hand, we pulmonology: doctors also run with the mask. And then, even the patients, famous or unknown, are entitled to their privacy. And, during a tour of the doctors among the patients, a metal chain closes materially access to the corridors. Do not pass. The doctor on duty (on the other hand is Sunday) says he can not say anything. Fortunately, after a while ‘, appears Vianello, who puts it this way: “The clinical situation of Catherine is not easy, it is not just a lung disease, but the incidence of three or four other conditions that complicate the course “. Well, not any pneumonia, but the good news is that “even in a complex environment, Catherine is a bit ‘better.’

Animals, sick girl responds to insults on FB

The fact is that the girl suffers for the combination of certain diseases “rare”. According to the EU, are those which, in the general population, have a prevalence lower than the threshold of 0.05%. “One time – continues Vianello – were called” orphan “.” Orphan? “Shortly appealing to experimental and clinical research. Remained so little known, and cared, when you could, with more difficulty. Now, we are seeing a general turnaround. Think of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a rare disease, but also a name known to the general public. Thanks to the research, the media and other factors. ” In short, Vianello puts it this way: “Just because it’s rare diseases, it takes experimentation. And here the role of the university is of absolute importance. “

The director does not enter in controversy” animal rights “, that is, in the dispute over the use of animals in laboratory tests. “I’m just saying that there are recognized protocols ( and a law, 96 of 2013, which regulates the phenomenon; Ed ) which provide for different stages in the trial, while some use animals is the norm. Think of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy ( muscle disorder of childhood, ed ). How can you do otherwise? ‘. In short, there does not appear to be no alternative. But as he took it, Catherine, the wave of outrage animal rights against him? He thanked those who are defending on Facebook. “Never offend, never wish bad things, think before you post, check the reliability of sources.” As for Vianello, sees it this way: “I think that all this physical and psychological stress does not do well.”

Marco De ‘Francis

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