Catherine is 25 years old and suffers from rare genetic diseases. “If I’m alive is thanks to scientific experimentation.” In a short time, they got 500 posts of insults against her
Without this kind of experimentation, says she enrolled in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bologna, she would have died at the age of nine years. The responses that were received by animal rights activists have been fierce and ruthless, a few examples: “For me, you can also die tomorrow, I would sacrifice even my goldfish for you,” “Maybe she died nine years old, a living being m. less … and more animals on this planet. ” In all thirty wishes for death and more than five offenses of various kinds, that Catherine has put together, with signatures, and delivered with a complaint to the Postal Police.
The engagement of Catherineyoung, affected by four rare diseases, combined with a prolactinoma, a pituitary tumor, gastroesophageal reflux, allergic asthma and autoimmune thyroiditis, is not one that is easy to lose heart. It is primarily used to expose himself. He has already done well against the method Stamina, speaking with a video and post it on Facebook, from which they gave rise to animated discussions. “I exist. No to Stamina, yes to the scientific method, even if, at the moment, we need animal testing,” wrote Catherine on social networks during the fundraising telethon. This time, however, she came under fire from the extremist fringes of the movement in defense of animals. All the animal, in fact, are fighting for the rejection of laboratory tests on animals, but certainly not all augurerebbero the death of a young man who has just expressed their opinion. post “offending”
It all started when he posted on Facebook December 21 a photo of herself with the respirator over his mouth, and a paper in his hand, “I, St. Catherine, I’m 25 years due to real research that includes animal testing. Without the research would be dead in nine years. I’ve got a future. ” From there he opened the avalanche of insults and threats. The college of veterinary medicine has controreplicato, posting another video, in which he portrays sitting on his bed, surrounded by all the medicines you are forced to take on a daily basis to not end up in the hospital. “I put ‘naked’ my reality – explained the animal that attacked – because you understand that my only ‘fault’ in all of this has been ‘bothering’ without killing anyone directly. My goal – explained girl – is to graduate and save the animals. But I have to say that even today animal testing in Italy is necessary and required, until there will not be a valid alternative method. “
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“With regard to medications, at the preclinical stage, ie before human trials – he continued – must be tested on animals, which is not an evil, because even animals have in turn need those drugs to heal. ” If the fundamentalists anticavie with no hope of dialogue, perhaps there could be with the party animal European League antivivisection (Lav) and former Minister Michela Vittoria Brambilla, who has shot the girl an appeal to disassociate themselves from the offenses and threats that have rained down on him.
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