update for the popular unlock tool Apple branded gadgets, which includes an opportunity for the Chinese store filled with pirated app. The apology of the authors and promise to never do it again
Evasi0n – dubbed “evasi0n7″ in the latest release – is compatible with all iPhones, iPads and company equipped with iOS 7 up to version 7.0.4, say the team evad3rs , allows you to jailbreak without the obligation to tethering – the gadget remains unlocked even without connecting to a PC – and it requires no more than 5 minutes, and the availability of a Windows operating system (at least XP), Mac OS or Linux.
The bug exploited by evasi0n to unlock iOS is of course (yet) unknown, and remain subject to the recommendations of the rite to be dispensed in the event of attempted jailbreak: the data must be saved using the backup, the process of release can go wrong and the user does not provide any guarantee of success.
At least in the case of evasi0n7 , however, the first reported problems in the network do not affect the possible dangers of the jailbreak or the occurrence of problems during the unlock procedure: the latest version of the software has drawn criticism for inclusion (unexpected) of two app stores “alternative”, ie the popular Cydia store and the Chinese Taig.In the first case, the author warned that the build is not official Cydia included , so anything could go wrong for many different reasons. The inclusion of Taig is instead the “nasty” that does more to discuss, given that the Chinese e-store is found to be filled with pirated app.
The presence of material distributed in violation of copyright was not required nor desired, they then explained those evasi0n , and the agreement for the inclusion of the Taig tool provided for the active removal of pirated content. Now the parties are working to “solve the problem”, says the official statement of the team. Alfonso Maruccia
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