Istat publishes data on the use of Internet and personal computers in Italy in 2013: growing but still four out of ten families are excluded.
Istat, the National Statistics Institute, has published new data on access to the Internet of the Italian population, and the relative ownership of technological tools suitable for the purpose, such as personal computers or mobile devices. According to data from the households with an Internet connection increased from 55.5% to 60.5%, an increase that still leaves out the Network about four out of ten families, while the owners of personal computers increased from 59.3 % to 62.8%.
have a connection to the Internet is also influenced by the social class of the families and the difference between families whose head of household is a worker than households whose head is a manager, a businessman or a freelancer is about 19 percentage points in favor of the latter categories, divide that increases to 23 points in the case of possession of a mobile phone used to connectivity.
As expected
families “more connected” are the younger ones, with at least a minor in the household, reaching to 87, 8% who owns a personal computer and 85, 7% who access the Internet at home, with the digital natives, that is, for those between 15 and 24 years of age, to show skills above the average, for the families of the elderly alone at least 65 years of age only 14.8% own a personal computer and only 12.7% have a connection to browse the Internet.
Gap also geographically, with the families of the North to show a higher percentage for the possession of a personal computer, an internet connection at home and a connected mobile device with respect to the central and southern regions, with the latter representing the bottom side of the Peninsula.
male users reach higher percentages in the use of the personal computer and surfing online than women: in the case of the latter, the percentages are approximately 49%, while for the first of about 60%. Finally, among other data, the use of the Internet in Italy refers mainly to search for information, interaction with public administrations and purchases online via e-commerce.
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