The web tax passes in a light version (without the requirement of a VAT to those who sell online in e-commerce in Italy, but only for the sale of advertising space) in the Law of Stability but the Prime Minister Enrico Letta warns that this rule “requires coordination with European standards essential.” Palazzo Chigi therefore aims to kick the ball in the middle of the field from which European voices have been raised against this standard worried that the house collects a clear rejection of the ICT industry representatives. “It’s a decision no sense,” said the president of Confindustria digital Stefano Parisi, stressing that the web tax “goes against the rules of VAT harmonization at European level. In addition, there is a process they are dealing with the OECD and the EU should have a proper outcome during the Italian Presidency. ” Parisi says hot, during a press conference together with the leaders of Anitec, Assinform Asstel and the presence of top Italian Panasonic rather than Huawei to protest against the increase coming in the remuneration for private copying.
An increase advocated by SIAE, but that would be frowned upon by the ICT struggling with the dilemma of whether to download the increase on their accounts, or (most likely) on the pockets of consumers . This is basically the contribution that manufacturers and importers of electronic devices (PCs, USB keys, MP3, tablets, smartphones, mobile phones, Blu Ray cd, dvd, and lately also smartv connected to the Web) are required to pay as compensation to the holders of the rights of exploitation of works (music and video). Money collected by SIAE then seal the redistribution to the claimants, that is, to those producers of content that can be played on memories and devices that we use every day. The first objection is advanced on the principle: today streaming makes it less widespread private copying. The increase that has alarmed the industry of electronic devices is expected in a proposal approved by the SIAE “Standing Advisory Committee for the copyright” and forwarded to the Ministry. Now just a decree of the Minister of Culture, Max Bray, to close the circle. “We call for a suspension of 12 months with the convening of a table with all stakeholders to conduct an independent study and so arrive at a truly fair compensation, “adds Palmer. If the minister were to Bray straight pull “the companies are ready to appeal to the TAR.” The expected increase is “in some cases by 500 percent. Into the coffers of SIAE should get between 165 and 200 million euro, compared with 72 last year. ” For example, the contribution of smartphones is expected to rise from 90 cents to 5.2 euro, that on the tablet from 1.9 to 5.2. Smart TV would make a contribution of € 5. “We would be the first country in Europe to apply fair compensation on TV”, said Parisi, who has placed emphasis on the fact that for the calculation of the increase has made reference to “a European average which excludes the 6 countries that do not apply the fair compensation, instead considering products such as tablets and smart TV hit only 3 of 28 countries. “Taken from sole24ore . com
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