The story begins when Cassidy Wolf (Miss Teen USA) into her e-mail photos of the actress naked, taken without his knowledge at a distance of several months, which are seemingly made with the webcam on his laptop. The culprit, an old classmate named Jared Abrahams, was later identified and arrested by the FBI.
The Federal Investigation Agency had found a software on your computer Abrahams that allowed him to spy on remote Cassidy Wolf and many other women. When questioned, the same had never identified the ignition of the webcam using status LEDs, leaving unresolved issues perhaps one of the most interesting of the entire case “sextortion.”
Many notebooks, in fact, a webcam integrated into the module function very important from the point of view of privacy: an indicator light that tells you the start of recording images. It was always thought that the devices were produced in such a way that the user is always able to perceive through the status LED, the start of the recording frame.
The first contradiction comes from the John Hopkins University who has shown that it is possible to extract images through the webcam of a laptop without the victim realizing it may in any way. The research has developed around the MacBook and iMac sold before 2008, but the authors have ensured that similar methods could be used effectively even on more modern models, even from other manufacturers.
Stephen Checkoway and Matthew Brocker showed how to circumvent the protections that prevent the webcam to take action without being consequently on the status LEDs. This is possible by reprogramming the chip inside the camera and the procedure was explained in a document called “ iSeeYou: Disabling the MacBook Webcam Indicator LED” , also providing a method for inhibiting the ability of the hack MacBook owners sold before 2008.
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