disappears the first paragraph from the text, but does not change the nature of the intervention is limited to online advertising. One measure that seems made for hitting Google’s business
In practice, to solve the problem of the correct taxation of the proceeds made through online advertising by large multinational ITC able to download affiliates and subsidiaries of foreign earnings with tax measures in the gray area of ??legality, the Italian legislature wanted to adopt a measure based on the obligation to possess a VAT by the operators of the Italian Network : a type of intervention considered by many observers a dangerous obstacle to the future development of the digital economy Italian, as well as potentially contrary to European legislation on free movement of workers, one of the principles of the single market.
In the modified version of ‘ amendment – a revision work continued into the night and probably a result of the rejection by the new secretary PD Matteo Renzi – disappeared the first paragraph that spoke broadly of electronic commerce.
Now, therefore, the Web Tax (which is not a real additional fee, but through an instrument such as a VAT fact, introduces different percentages of fees due and a different system of tracking and control) only applies to “advertising space on line and sponsored links. “Francesco Boccia said immediately the news on Twitter:” Now it’s perfect! Ok to P.IVA most of ADV ruling. “
Boccia, therefore, does not lose its enthusiastic support for the measure, despite the rain of criticism against piovutagli from several fronts: to respond directly was also the magazine Forbes , which through a note from Tim Worstall rejects accusations of being folded to the interests of big corporations, pointing out that its proposals are likely to be seriously declared illegal by the European institutions and that the ‘ incidence of VAT falls on the consumer . A notion that the politician should learn Italian and he also spent four years of research at the London School of Economics as Worstall.
No shortage of observers at least partly in favor of the measure. In addition, his defense was also attended by Carlo De Benedetti, who has attacked the Huffington Post reflecting Renzi, explaining that “it is simply to have paid taxes to those who work in Italy with a stable organization and make huge profits by selling advertising, books, databases on our market. fiscal An act of justice. ” Which moreover – says De Benedetti – will spur other European countries to move in the same direction and Brussels to take sides on the issue.
Curiously, his name has entered the debate on the law of stability for the other argument that has raised a number of criticisms: the 5 Star Movement and Forza Italy left the room in protest against the approval of un’emendamento who subscribe to the group Electric Sorgenia son Rodolfo payment of € 23 million due to the infrastructure costs related to the construction of the power plant Tuano-Bertonico.Among the litinganti invoke the dialog Paolo Barberis and Luca DeBiase, who are also consultants Letta Government on matters of technology.
The Law stability will be voted on, presumably with the instrument of trust, by December 23.
Claudio Tamburrino
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