Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Millenials without social Who are those 25% no account – BBC

Milan , February 2, 2016 – 10:43

” Everyone seemed to know at any time what I was doing, “” we spent a lot of time, “” I started feeling crushed by seeing the details of life for all, “” I do not need. ” For these reasons (which, after all, are all governed by the same: the desire for privacy) Lauren, Jason, Celan and Hariharan have chosen not to have an account on social networks. The choice is not so strange, nor are their motivations. The only data that is not “square” is the age: they have all aged 18 to 31 years. In short, they are all Millennials: they are part of the generation born in the early ’80s and early 2000s, characterized by familiarity with media and digital technologies. Are the target and the goose that lays the golden eggs of all the social, from Facebook to Twitter via Instagram and snapchat (whose founders, for another, are part of the same generation).

75% have a social Home

To understand the passion of the millenial for the technology just one fact: eight out of ten, the statistics say, they sleep with the phone beside the bed. But there are also other, data, describing the generation of more and more technology: two-thirds admit to texting while driving, and one in five has at least already posted a video of himself on the Net. As for social, rather , a survey of analyst firm Pew Research shows that only one in four does not have a social account. Against one in two of the previous generation (those born between 1960 and 1980), one in three of the baby boomers and the majority (94%) of those over 65.

Celan: “I felt crushed “

Yet not all want to be there millenial, on social. Those who shy away are few, but there are. The Guardian has found four Americans, and interviewed them to understand the reasons for their choice. So he found the story of Celan Beausoleil, 31 of Oakland, California working in the social and December has deleted his Facebook account because “most of my job is to listen to people’s lives, and began to feel crushed by see also the details of the lives of all on social. ” There is one thing that is missing, however: “I liked to sit for hours clicking on a profile of a friend and from there go on the profile of one of his friends, and from here on the profile of another and a more . In the end I was on the page of someone who was on the other side of the world, literally. “

Jason: “Instead of Fb, books and articles”

Jason Mathias, 26, of Baltimore, Maryland, has closed his account on Facebook that one of Twitter in November 2012. When he was just past twenty, in short: “One day I realized that I was spending a lot of time. And if I spent that time doing other things? “. Not only it not regretted his choice, but he “quickly forgotten the existence of Facebook.” The “other things” that is in place to control the company? Law books and articles, call friends (instead of writing them via chat). Lauren Raskauskas, 22 years of Naples, Florida, it is first removed from Facebook (in 2013) and then by Twitter (in 2015): “I am very reserved and I worry about the treatment of my data,” why “I did not like that everyone knew what I was doing. ” At least one thing has sold though: has an account on Instagram, the social photo.

Hariharan: “I do not need”

And then there Hariharan Rajagopalan, 18 year-old from Boston, Massachusetts. His account on Facebook has it, but does not use it. It opened before arriving at the university to contact his future roommate, but then it has completely abandoned: “I do not use and do not control either.” Her sisters are trying, to change his mind, taggandolo in family photos: nothing, he continues to ignore the social. He is keen to Twitter, though: it used to hear the news of his favorite teams and sports news. But did not open an account, “I do not need to read the tweet.”

2 February 2016 (amendment 2 February 2016 | 14:09)



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