Tuesday, February 2, 2016

10 more technological inventions that changed the world – marieclaire.it

The 10 technological inventions that have changed the lives (and why)

IMG: var/marieclaire/storage/images/lifestyle/novita-tecnologiche/10-invenzioni-tecnologiche-piu-influenti/24370352-1-ita-IT/Le-10-invenzioni-tecnologiche-che-ci-hanno-cambiato-la-vita-e-perche_image_ini_620x465_downonly.jpg
TIT: The 10 technological inventions that have changed the lives (and why & eacute;)
DESC: From GPS to social networks, and then iPod and wikipedia: the list of all that is changing lives. ->


Of course there are social networks and smartphones, but if I think of the 10 technological inventions that have most influenced our lives over the last few years, I can not fully agree on the order of the top ten compiled after a survey carried out by the agency Found (which has “taken advantage” of several scientific journals). The official results are: 1. Social Network, 2. Smartphone, 3. Lasers in Medicine, 4. Technology Usb, 5. GPS. (To name the top five). Here, in my opinion, the 10 indispensable in our lives. But this is also why I have them arranged in a different order …

1. SMARTPHONES (original position 2). was the “distant” 2007 when a certain Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone. From there, after an incredible skepticism, smartphone, even 10 years later, it has become an extension of our arm. It was a paradigm shift. No smartphone, maybe we would have the same social networks, but I think they would not have the current spread.

2. Wikipedia (original position 7). Many underestimate the incredible scope of the creation of Wikipedia. The enormous contribution to the culture that gives each day, the strength of an encyclopedia that anyone can write and anyone can freely consult. Anywhere and in almost any language. All without any sponsors or advertising, or double-commercial purpose: nowadays it is unthinkable.

3. THE SOCIAL NETWORK (original position 1). Social networks have given voice to all. They have expanded the social sphere practically eliminating the difference between real life and digital life, expanded and made possible, and where prohibited, the freedom of expression, popular movements have encouraged and helped revolutions. They gave voice to minorities. Equalized society: everyone now can (and often feel compelled, unfortunately) have their say. They are a powerful tool and like any tool is neutral: it can be used positively or negatively. Social networks have indeed uncovered a Pandora’s box of ignorance, illiteracy, the worst conspiracy and populist: han exposed all those negative aspects that society tends to hide under the rug of indifference. They do not create problems, as many might believe, but simply han highlighted the problems already present. It allows the sharing of a lot of cats that are funny things.

4. GPS (original position 5). In fourth place I put the GPS, although technically it is now a technology “old” (it already existed at the beginning of the 90s, for civil use since 1996). Certainly after having slipped into any device, it has become crucial: it is now hard to move without his help ..

5. The IPOD (original position 9). The iPod is THE player of MP3 by definition, although personally, at this point would make more sense to put the MP3. Anyway, it is the MP3 that gave rise to the first great technological change where it has gone from a physical technology in a completely virtual. A tied put the ‘ USB (original position 4), but underestimated in its various developments has become a standard starting from peripheral pcs up to load all our devices.

6. USING THE LASER MEDICINE IN and IN RECOVERY OF ARTISTIC HERITAGE and MAPPING HUMAN GENOME (original positions 3:10). These I put them all in sixth place, not because less important, but because far less incisive in the life of every day.

Notably absent, in this ranking, I think is the WI-FI : The WI-FI is the glue between many of these technologies, it is now everywhere and allowed access to the entire Internet at ease with any device with a connection. It brought the world into our homes and now is so obvious that it is inconceivable a place without WI-FI connection.

3D PRINTING THE HYBRID CAR (position 6:08). These do count off the charts, because they represent the future more than the next year 2000. We are still at the beginning, we will be the technology of the coming years along with “the internet of things” and virtual reality or augmented.

     ITEMS: 4


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