Saturday, February 20, 2016

Dynamic Museum of the Castello dei Vicari: the mutlimediali news – gonews

It was inaugurated today, Saturday, Feb. 20, in the presence of Citizenship Dynamic Museum of the Castle of the Vicars of Lari. The old fort opens its doors to visitors by presenting a new tour route, characterized by innovation: the story of an ancient power center of Tuscany, which was the seat of a Florentine Vicariate, it was rediscovered and recounted today thanks to new technologies. All framed within the village of Lari, by charming Tuscan, whose history is the background to the story narrated along the tour itinerary.

Present at Andrea Pieroni, Regional Director, Corrado Guidi, President Valdera Union, as well as Mirko Land, Mayor of Casciana Lari, municipal administration and Giovanni Bacci, President of the Cultural Association “the Castle.”

the layout of Dynamic Museum represents the final phase of a redevelopment and renovation of the Castle path now started over fifteen years ago and carried out by the various administrations that have occurred over time, together with the Cultural Association “the Castle”. The current city administration has managed to launch and support the investment thanks to the release of the covenant of the merger resulting stability and the important financial support received by the region, of which a total cost of 300,000 Euros, has contributed a co-financing of 180,000 euro.

the new layout, innovative and modern, yet respects the peculiarities of a monument of immense historical and artistic importance, what is the Castello dei Vicari, now a museum of itself, doing so it can tell and narrate the events that he was the protagonist. The technologies and cutting-edge workstations choices for the restyled bring to the fore the use of historical and cultural content with which the visitor can have an interactive approach. This is to meet the new needs of users: active today, informed, practical and above all protagonists. For this exhibition, produced by the company contractor Space SpA, could only be innovative, technological and multimedia.

The visitor of the Dynamic Museum decides what to study and how to interact with the many present applications, for a total 20 museum environments: starting from exploration of the time line on a multitouch table, which tells the story of the Castello dei Vicari and the Pisan hills from Prehistory to the Roman Age, you go, interacting with so many multimedia workstations, through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the unification of Italy, until reaching the age of Modern and Contemporary.

A tale, one that extends along the museum route, also thought for the little ones: thanks to the creation of short films with cute animated characters that tell the story of Lari and interactive games, the museum becomes suitable for children, to facilitate and present learning in modern history and culture and interactive (one example: the multitouch screen allowing you to create your own coat of arms, choosing the colors, the decorations and the name of the ancient family).

Dedicated also all’araldica the videomapping, the truly spectacular multiproieizione system that overlays the frescoed wall of salon Leopold a reconstruction of coats of arms present, with an exciting musical accompaniment.

Equally exciting is the encounter with some unusual narrators within the halls of the castle, holograms: a video projection of some costumed characters life size who “appear” on a holographic screen that gives the impression of a face-to-face with a person in three dimensions. The first meeting with the Vicar Carlo Strozzi, in Room 6, which tells the organization of the vicariate, its role and its tasks; the next is in secret, the discovery of the oldest section of the Castle, where an archaeologist, in the twilight of a niche, tells the story of the excavations and the Etruscan origins of the place; to tell the story is the third lawyer, explaining the use of torture in litigation practice; its origin from one of the lovely prison cells, the voice of a prisoner, which tells the story of his incarceration. Innovative is also the form of the visitor’s interaction with the characters: the projections are activated by ringing a bell near the holographic screen (two bells, one for the Italian and the other for English).

During the inauguration of an exceptional guest amazed those present: the landlord, the Vicar Carlo Strozzi, who has held the Lari government in the mid-sixteenth century, and dwelt at the time the rooms of the castle, made the his appearance in the flesh during the public presentation, in a perfect union between past and present, greeting visitors and wish them a pleasant visit to the Castle. The character was played just for the occasion by the actor who gave life all’originalissimo avatar of the Vicar, that visitors have later found during the exhibition. New is also the Castle ( website) where all the information and news on upcoming events are available.

The dynamic museum of the Castello dei Vicari then reopens to the public and take over all activities that in the past have been able to secure a considerable number of visitors, through a rich program of initiatives for families and tourists in this period and up to 31 March, the opening hours are on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 10.30 – 12.30 / 15:00-18:00.

source: City of Casciana Lari – Press

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