An update in the sense of continuity with previous provisions but with the introduction of technological innovations and new communication channels is that it provides the new “regional Guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the warning system for natural hazards to civil defense purposes” of the Lombardy Region
Approved last December, will enter into effect on April 27, 2016 upgrading the “regional Guidelines for the organizational and functional management of the warning system for natural hazards to civil defense purposes” of the Lombardy Region.
The document establishes procedures and functions for the potential risk situations in Lombardy. L a regional structure that deals with on a daily basis to check the expected weather conditions and their impact on the ground is Monitoring Centre Functional (CFMR): i n the case of prediction of potentially dangerous situations, the CFMR emits a “Warning regional Critical” , a statement posted institutional recipients and disseminated to the public, which triggers a “state of alert” to a specific risk (hydrological, hydraulic, strong thunderstorms, high winds, etc …), organized by homogeneous zones and graduated on the risk scenarios provided. The document also provides the main operational guidelines to keep the occasion of the described risk scenario. The goal of the service is that those responsible for the system of Regional Civil Protection (prefectures, provinces, municipalities, water authorities, etc …) alerted early enough, they can take timely appropriate measures to ensure the safety of people and things , according to their emergency plan.
the approved new directive intends to give continuity to the current but introduces technical, technological innovations and new communication channels , in order to give greater effect to the procedures and make them more consistent with recent national guidelines homogenization of the warning system.
these are the main changes:
• transition from eight to seven types of risk to which it is predicted l ‘ alert : hydraulic, hydrological, severe thunderstorms, high winds, snow, avalanches and forest fires (were excluded heat waves, traced entirely under the coordination of the regional Health Service);
• use the color code under national gradation of critical levels (was eliminated purple code);
• introduction of stages minimum operational to turn on at the local level to cope with the expected event congruent actions according to the evolution of the critical issues to be evaluated at the local level;
• introduction of new and more effective forecasting tools ;
• re-definition of homogeneous zones of alert and the associated thresholds to reduce missed or false alarms : 8 switching to 14 zones in the case of hydro-weather risk;
• use of certified electronic mail (PEC) for the communication to the subjects of the Regional civil Protection System ;
• prescribing, for the recipients of the notices critical, routinely use the web sites provided by the Lombardy Region, to check, at least daily, the situation mentioned.
In addition, the new Directive introduces the principle that at increasing levels of criticality corresponds to the use of an increasing number of communication channels, the following method:
• green code – on the websites provided by the Lombardy Region is published the “current situation”
• yellow – on the websites provided by the Lombardy Region is published the “current situation” and is sent a communication with PEC and PEO (Ordinary Mail Electronics)
• orange / red code – on the websites provided by Regione Lombardia are posted the “current situation” and the Notice of criticality. In addition, through PEC and PEO, it occurs tendering the Notice of criticality and sending a text message on his cell phone of mayors and their deputies, as well as the publication of the Notice of criticality through the app “Civil Defense.”
as regards, finally, the Emergency Procedures, shall remain in force the provisions contained in Title II of the Directive approved by DGR No. 7/21205 of 03.24.2005.
“Our warning system on risks – explained Simona Bordonali , Councillor for Security and civil Protection of the Lombardy Region – is already a model recognized at national level. Among the Lombardy Region and local organizations is active in fact a communication system which provides for the ‘ sms publishing corporate website alerts for critical issues and the use of a app updated in real time , introduced during 2015 and appreciated by many recipients. the regional operations room of the civil Protection makes a H24 garrison for 365 days a year with technical specialists and is able to provide timely responses and activate the necessary resources. ”
“We have approved the Directive, because the previous dated back to 2008 – continued Bordonali – and it was necessary to update the list of recipients of the communication on the basis of available forecasts and give directions, especially to the mayors, in their capacity as civil protection authorities, to enable enforcement actions to the events in accordance with the municipal emergency plans. “
” to arrive at a shared text, we organized meetings with Prefectures, ANCI, AIPo, regional territorial offices, the adjustment consortia Great lakes and ARPA. We have explained the new directive – concluded Bordonali – and incorporated the suggestions of the participants. it is an innovative experiment also it began to issue consequential critical alerts to avalanches, a phenomenon that often affects safety of settlements in mountainous areas and on roads at high altitude. “
red / pc
(source: Regione Lombardia)
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