Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Savings potential, the House and Senate try to rationalize: the … – The Daily

Password: rationalization . Or Save by combining the photocopy services to scale down the related costs. If it were a private company there would be nothing strange. Especially in times of economic crisis. But since it is House Senate , the discourse is much more delicate . Of course, the effect will be a kind of spending review . But at stake, returning to the comparison with the private, it seems to be in front of a real industrial restructuring plan . Put on paper in two documents drawn up by colleges of Quaestors A both Houses of Parliament that could see and that from here to the next few months should translate into concrete actions. Even in the light of the constitutional reform now close to final approval of the classrooms (but with the referendum incognita). In terms of resources, however, the deck is short. And even in 2016 will continue the trend of the cost containment , the margin It is gradually reducing. Not surprisingly, this year, balance sheets in hand, the House succeed to cut spending by only 0.93% and the Senate the crash diet will produce a decline of 0.09% . A positive sign, sure. Of course you can do more. Why the Quaestors have prepared a list of “sectors to integrate and unify” . What administrative, for example. But also the computer, technical and real estate, and Health Services .

ALL FOR ONE – In Heading the list is, however, a point which is centered around the tenants of Deputies and the Senate. “With reference to the Status of Parliamentarians it is necessary to harmonize the legal treatment at the two houses of parliament – clarifies the document recently approved by the Board of the Senate presidency – about the skills due to deputies and senators , in office and terminated the mandate, as well as their dependents, especially in light of the prospects of the constitutional reform in progress . ” A point that has come to power the suspected that in the Quaestors document is hiding in fact a ploy to be extended to the future senators – which under the reform should carry out the mandate free uniquely sensing the allowance paid by the respective regional provenance tips – the fees provided for those in office . “A misunderstanding,” assures the senator superintendent Lucio Malan of Forza Italy. “The harmonization relates only to the treatments in place and not to the future – explains -. By creating a unique role of parliamentarians they will exceed discrepancies in treatment between senators and representatives and not have any effect on the future of the Senate if the tenants were to exceed the referendum test reform. ” If anything, the problem would arise for former senators . “Because it would be paradoxical a Senate unpaid senators, however, pays annuities to former,” noted even Malan.

SERVICES IN COMMON – But the news does not end there. “As part of the administrative activities, special mention must be then given to the of the races sector contracts – it still reads the paper -. The scheme provides for the administration to proceed to a regular audit of the common requirements for which it is possible to jointly carry out the contractor selection procedures. Carried out these checks you can jointly define the races specifications that, once approved by both Boards of Quaestors, will be conducted by a single administration, from time to time identified with the only central client . ” The document commits the governments of the House and Senate “to proceed jointly” to a recognition for “identify on the tender procedures that can be implemented in common over the next two years.” And “in sottoporne outcomes in colleges of Quaestors by 31 March 2016″. The same must also be done with regard to the computer industry . The goal is to “reach the institutions of a parliamentary computer Polo aims to optimize the use of professional and technological resources, to homogenize the services offered and to strengthen the processes of innovation.” In the list of harmonies is also the unification of health services . “It is a perspective on which the two colleges have already agreed with a view to containing costs, the optimization of procedures and improvement of services offered to users (MPs and staff), specifying that such unification is You may proceed by adopting at both Houses of Parliament the same organizational model, which also leverages on a conventional relationship with an external party, however, identified through a special procedure for the public. ”

Dual Chamber LIBRARY – What, then, the technical real estate ? Again, “we will proceed to the identification of areas that, in addition to those already used for this purpose (as is the case with the Palace of the Seminary for the Joint Committees), will be made available for the conduct of activities and services common, or may still allow a streamlining logistics from the perspective of constitutional reform in progress . ” All through a “ harmonization in accounting rules and preparing two budgets .” But the processes of integration will also cover the Documentation industry and research . With particular reference to the Library complex that “appears susceptible to further evolution.” The point of final destination “will be the establishment of the Library of Parliament . A similar unified management process – also – should cover the archives of both Houses “. In the area of ​​ bicameral commissions of inquiry and , finally, “are already in place forms of collaboration between the two administrations that may be extended to all bicameral organs. additional forms of cooperation, with a view to increase the existing level of coordination, will also affect the support of the Secretariat for parliamentary delegations to International Meetings . ” All this quickly, with “the leaders of the two Administrations, who will report to the competent organs of political leadership on the progress of these processes.”




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