The biggest search engine in the world and hundreds of publishers from around the world together for one goal: to make navigation on mobile devices as fast and fluid as possible. In Paris, at Sciences Po Paris, the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai announced this important change in the operation of the Mountain View search engine on mobile devices. “now the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) will begin to appear in the Search by Mobile – said Pinchai -. in this way, users will find it easier and faster to news content developed in AMP”. This means that, even on sections like Google News, will be awarded the sites that took part in the project over the past four months, with a dedicated carousel that will appear on the user’s display, which carried out the research. the pages created following the AMP technology are loaded on average four times faster than “traditional”. And at the same time use up to 10 times less data. “Today, publishers and platforms of six European countries ( including talia, ed ) celebrate with us this news – he announced Pichai – as well as improvements in the characteristics of the product related to advertising, analytics and paywall “. Among the first to join this project, four months ago, were Twitter, Pinterest,, Chartbeat and LinkedIn.
Begin to bear fruit, in practice, the open source initiative that Google launched in last October: the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project. It is a project developed in collaboration with hundreds of publishers – including Italians – technology companies and entities operating in online advertising. The goal is to improve the use of information sites on smartphones and tablets. Attempting, specifically, is to significantly improve time to loading of web pages, “weighed down” by commercials that try to attract the attention of readers, through the use of AMP HTML: This allows sites to build pages ultralight.
in the keynote of the old Paris, Pichai also announced the first grants from the Fund for innovation delal Digital News Initiative: 27 million euro in 23 European countries. This is the first contribution from the Fund total value of 150 million Euros over three years. The 27 million euro were funded 128 organizations from 23 European countries, at more or less large projects that foster innovation. Among them is the Spanish newspaper which invites readers to fund the account of a specific story / news and the German startup Spectrm, pointing to an artificial intelligence engine “to help publishers to communicate directly with readers “.
- Topics:
- search
- web pages
- Mobile
- smartphone
- tablet
- html
- Starring:
- Sundar Pichai
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