it happens to everyone, every now and then, to make of beautiful dreams: rarely, but it happens. And why not us? One morning we wake up and, by magic, leaning out the window we see a strange Italian Manufacturing . Really strange. Suddenly the picture of our companies, large, small, so-so, appears clearly. We see a ‘body A’: it is made from the basic companies IdB, industrious, quiet and also quite capable: in this ‘technological domain’ Italy has made giant steps, it would be enough to think of the steel industry, when we were the exclusive importers of iron and stainless steel … and we became the second in Europe.
Then we see the ‘body B’: it is made up of ‘enterprise networks’ stable closed , non- holonic (that is, not changing), with Ssm companies (subcontracting) intertwined issues for what concerns the business, in full synergy with one company-leader OEMs (manufacturers of finished products to the end user market).
Finally, we see the ‘body C’: it is made up of ‘enterprise networks’ changeable open type , ‘holonic’: this ‘body’ is made only by companies Ssm (subcontracting) who engage in different relations ‘to’ network with several OEM companies, both Italian and foreign, at the same time.
it would be appropriate to say: dream or are awake? Yes, at the moment it is a dream: but why should we test flabbergasted at such great wisdom? The saying goes: between saying and doing is half the sea. True, but for the moment we ignore it, and enjoy the bliss. Bliss? Well: we try to reflect.
Body A: no changes would be noticed compared all’assetto today: the business system related to this body A, with a strong product Unification (DIN, UNI, AFNOR, GHOST, ASA, etc. etc.), does not permit easy introduction of novelties; Also the pricing system is quite controlled, including through formal national tables.
Body B: apparently it seems the optimum of possible business settings: at the bottom would be as a traditional company , maybe multinational (with compositional elements placed in various nations), the relevance of which would consist of the fact that the ‘productive’ departments would separately owned by the leader of the OEMs: there would be a definite financial advantage, because many equity belonging to different individuals and they would associate sortirebbe an important sum, but above all, it would allow the OEM leader to concentrate all its capital (including minority interests – suppliers) on its ‘core business’, which would be exclusively to design, industrialize and develop the marketing of its finished product consumer product. The real ‘engine’ of success: it also would achieve the creation of a leading group to deal with the financing banks.
The subcontractors ‘companies on the net’ would not have more expenses for the marketing of their products: the close link with the parent (usually more ‘cultured’ given its need to stay in contact with ‘final market’) would increase and not just their business ethos and abituandole to know and understand the ‘problems stand on end market’ , which is the only one that law and that is the place in which the ‘profit forms’. There would be only one serious handicap: the ‘technological growth’ would be one that can only grow within the group. A sort of marriage between cousins: the risk is to grow old without noticing under the productive efficiency.
Body C: The possible framework is undoubtedly more complex but extremely dynamic. Our Ssm (subcontractors) can join the network (permanent or temporary) with any OEM: both Italian and foreign. Upon entering the network, on the basis of written contracts, the SSM enters ‘the project’, and participates in the creation of the finished product of the OEM lead. It is not a normal relationship between customer and supplier: The customer derives benefit from collaboration with the Ssm and this knows the true important aspects of what needs to provide, by participating in the design. The Ssm capture innovation wherever it engages in ‘Network’: and helps to produce it. It is ‘network’ when signing a separate network contract, esibibile to third parties: therefore positive for financial negotiations with credit institutes.
The natural instinct is to try to draw us into the mind one of the mix scenario ‘businesses holonic network holonic’: but it is very difficult, as it is outside the traditional mindsets. Is instinctive to think about the relationships of regular supply, although complex, but it is not.
Starting your own company in order to manage it ‘networking’ is something that involves a management technique a little ‘different from the traditional one: it will be a topic to be explored in a specific way, but there is no doubt that the management immediately acquires a very high efficiency rate, at least on two floors (the third, and the fourth, those of technological growth and operational precision require adequate treatment): the reduction of operating costs and most accurate commercial action.
a vision of this type does not change the composition of our businesses as well as today it is, but – if I may be allowed a military comparison – it is as if dislocassimo organically and organized our troops today are many but used in a confused way. In any case, this ‘vision’ does not involve minimally significant investments.
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