Parking Siena and the Siena change all the technological devices that manage the gates to the Limited Traffic Zone (LTZ) in the city. It is an innovation that will have a more streamlined and flexible to manage, facilitate users will no longer need to have the toll in their vehicles and to achieve substantial savings by freeing resources that will cover the costs of maintenance of the escalators in the city.
“It ‘an important step forward – said the Mayor of Siena Bruno Valentini – that goes in the direction of increasing digitization of our services. Having scrapped the stamps Ztl of paper, now it’s up to the toll. Siena Parking has chosen the right path by centering the years important goals is to balance both of efficentamento services. Properly give back to the city the savings made over the technology infrastructure to ensure better maintenance of the ski lifts mechanized, whose overall cost in one year nearly a million Euros “.
” It was not easy – says President Siena Parking Roberto Paolini – get to this race. The problems were many, starting from the impact that could have such a technological revolution on the user and our offices. Change apparatus so complex is always a risk. It came to help technological progress. Fifteen years have passed from the creation of the system that manages the gates of Ztl. Today there are technologies simpler and less expensive. So, catching up with the times allows us to have a leaner system to manage and more effective controls, you can give up the toll-vehicle and save almost 70% of annual costs. ” Siena Parking has announced the tender for the management of the openings of Ztl the end of March 2015 and the definitive award was made in recent weeks. The winner was the company Sismic Systems Ltd. which will implement a new system of access control without changing the number and location of the electronic gates (they are 27), over all’assetto on the roads within the ZTL and areas immediately surrounding. The new system will be operational from January 2016.
In essence it is to replace all electrical and electronic equipment present, while keeping unchanged the support structures, the positioning of the camera unit and that of the street cabinets .
The entire perimeter of the LTZ is covered thereby allowing the Administration to acquire all transits “unauthorized” in the same, in “online” and “real-time” of the accesses, with equipment of minimum size and environmental impact. In each location it is installed a camera that automatically recognizes the number plate of the vehicle in transit, complete with infrared illuminator. The new system also allows for easier management of the “White” and “Black” List, making it faster and easier insertion of vehicles enabled the entrance. “This is a very important technological innovations for the restricted area of Siena – says the Councillor for Traffic Stefano Maggi -. With the new system will be easier to control abuses in access to the LTZ, like cars coming in the opposite direction, and at the same time, thanks to more powerful cameras, eliminating the doubts of license plate, which had to be re-checked each time by operators. Also no longer you need to have the toll drive, simplifying the life people: electronic label on permits and no little box in the car. ” “The new system – says the director of Siena Parking Walter Manni – using a specialized device for the automatic reading of license plates. The use of this particular camera can run directly on the device, including complex calculations on captured images, without overloading the network bandwidth and without referring any further processing of the central operator. ” The contract with the previous supplier provided a service charge integrated operational management and corrective maintenance of the system ztl set at € 180.000+ VAT per year plus € 12.40 in Telepass (there were about 10,000). This resulted in an annual cost of more than 300 thousand Euros. The initial amount of the new tender was 330.000+ VAT for five years. The percentage discount offered was equal to 31.00% with a net price of 213,000 + VAT, equal to 42,600 per year + VAT.
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