Saturday, November 28, 2015

Europe is at war but Italy is neutral: who is wrong? – The Republic

AS PART of a global society in terms of economic and technological However, significant differences remain with regard to politics, culture and the distribution of resources among the various levels of social categories, those who once were called classes. Born from these deep differences of welfare mobility of peoples and the evolution of the birth rate of the different populations.

Politics, culture, mobility of peoples, religions: these are the dynamic factors that drive the planet, which is only right add the need to protect the climate, as we face an ever-increasing pollution of the air we breathe, the winds, the storms and the melting of glaciers.
In this framework explode even wars, one of which is bloodying the West and the Middle East, with peaks in the Maghreb, Arabia, Central Africa, the Philippines, Bangladesh.

We Europeans are in the middle of this war that, despite appearances, It is among civilizations and even of religions. It is a war between fundamentalists and liberals, between classes evolved and suburbs, between wealthy and poor, corrupt and honest and even between young and dissolute young people aware. So is the crisis of an era and is also a global crisis because its fires are scattered across all continents and are intertwined and feed off each other.
Europe is widely devastated by this crisis and the resulting war, fundamentalism and terrorism; to fight in the name of freedom, freedom is also forced to more restrictive limits.

It happened in ancient Rome, when the war was more intense and the outcome uncertain, the consuls were replaced by a dictator with full powers to combat it. We are not in this, but the political powers tend to be concentrated in a few hands and alliances to be led by those who act on the ground and where the war is more intense.

In Europe, at least so far, the tragic theater It takes place in France, in the Middle East in Syria and Iraq, Turkey and Kurdistan. The coalition against the Caliphate encompassing not only the West but also Russia and that’s the big news: Putin has as its main interlocutor Hollande, at least in appearance, but in fact Obama is the real party and the role of the French president is to to mediate between the two, in Europe, however, the leaders of this phase is Hollande and the hymn of the Marseillaise war.

This is the situation and made the shape.

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Italy is the only country that, while supporting the need for a grand coalition which also includes Russia refuses to get down on the ground military beyond the commitments already undertaken by time, which consist three Tornado mission almost daily sighting and indicating targets. Three days ago he met at the Elysee Hollande Renzi and they talked for twenty minutes. The French request involves replacing percent military with as many soldiers in the Italian contingent of “blue helmets” of the UN in Lebanon. Renzi has agreed upon the eventual approval of the Parliament and that is all.

Our Foreign Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, at a press conference last Friday recalled the traditional Italian politics of the last forty years: we have always maintained a policy of friendship with the Arab world and Iran from the times of Fanfani and Andreotti and it is not our intention to move away from this tradition.

Gentiloni has forgotten or perhaps preferred not to remember a Another character who actually decided our policy towards those countries: Enrico Mattei, president of Eni. It was he who decided our policy in those countries to make use of the oil that was extracted from the wells and made in those countries to facilitate economic and political conditions such as to oust the power hitherto exercised by what were called the “Seven Sisters “American corporations, English, Dutch. Mattei had absolute powers regarding Eni. In Italy he was funding the Christian Democrats but did not neglect the Socialists and even Communists and fascists of the MSI. He decided who was to be appointed Minister of State Participations and it was he who told the minister what he should do, rather than the reverse. Even financed the Algerian national liberation movement by focusing on the fact that at a time when the French were gone from Algeria, the new state would grant Eni the use of oil and gas and building the necessary pipelines to carry the feedstock to refineries Italian Eni. Then Mattei for a plane crash due to bad weather or perhaps to other causes, died. Enemies had only two, the “Seven Sisters” and the Mafia.

These things Gentiloni not know or most probably knows but does not tell her, but our policy in the Middle East can only be explained as well.

However, the current point of view we are essentially irrelevant in the Middle East and we have a large weight in Europe. Renzi claims a role of mediator in Libya to reconcile the various factions fighting. Leon did not succeed after many months of work under the aegis of the UN. It seems unlikely to succeed Renzi.

Allow me now to add my suggestion contained in last Sunday’s against our Prime Minister. I think it should open, after obtaining the necessary permits, the camps on the Libyan coast, where the migrants should be treated with decency and dignity, mobilizing doctors and psychologists and also by initiating rapid recognition of identity and verification of the status of each of the persons hosted by camps: those who invoke the right of asylum and have solid reasons for applying for it may be transferred on the southern coasts of European ships Italian or foreign; others should be repatriated to their home countries where our diplomacy it would return with all the guarantees of the case.

Of course, the relief camps should be militarily defended against possible raids by thieves or troublemakers a military contingent of two or three thousand men, largely sufficient to protect the security.

I also suggested in my article in Renzi’s become a promoter of the transfer of sovereignty to the European authorities of the powers relating to the common defense and foreign policy, similar to transfers of sovereignty already made in economic matters which properly uses the Central Bank, and Mario Draghi, who chairs.

It is highly unlikely that the members of the Union to accept at this time transfers the sovereignty of individual states to a Europe which would thus become increasingly federated than it is now but it is especially unlikely Renzi share this hypothesis because – he thinks – this declasserebbe nation states, depriving them of a very important part of their existing powers. If you think so, and I think that you think, you do not see very far; for Europe to become a global company where federal states have continental dimensions, it means that prefers small states without international weight but where each is master in his own house. Europe would not resist very well done and Italy still less of others but who is “master” at home obeys said “who is content enjoys” (but not the country).

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I conclude with a completely different topic. I saw a few days ago in a private viewing movies very nice and even moving, entitled “Call me Francis” directed by Daniele Luchetti, produced by Valsecchi and as first actors Rodrigo de la Serna and Sergio Hernandez.

The film , which will be in theaters on December 3, recounts the life of Jorge Mario Bergoglio in his youth and then maturity, since he was a simple priest then promoted to head the provincial of the Society of Jesus, then coadjutor bishop of Buenos Aires and finally archbishop and Cardinal of Argentina. As he clashed with the dictatorship of Videla, author of horrible crimes and continuous; his love for the poor, his reserve toward priests and theologians of liberation theology, considered para-communist and then excommunicated by Pope John Paul II.

Bergoglio in the film is basically sided with the poor and the dramatic events of this location is the devil Videla from which in every way, even the most dramatic, Bergoglio tries to rescue those who Videla threat. I do not know to what extent corresponds to truth his gap left by the priests; the fact is that a few weeks after Bergoglio became Pope beatified Bishop Romero who was killed while celebrating Mass in the cathedral of San Salvador. Pope John Paul II had expressed this intention but had never implemented; Pope Francis made her immediately and Bishop Romero was certainly a politically left.

Pope Francis will return tomorrow from his African trip, from Kenya to Uganda where he was welcomed by millions of faithful. Reaffirmed once again the spread even widespread corruption and the need to fight even in the Vatican.

This is what the Pope says and he did so in the course of this trip to the existence of a single God and this leads him to fraternize with not only all the various Christian communities but also with Jews and especially with Muslims and to fight against fundamentalism everywhere normally surface, including the Catholic Church.

I think it’s worth emphasizing the ‘ importance of this pontificate and the brotherhood of religions to fight fundamentalism and terrorism that results. The Church of Saint Francis is one of peace, love for the poor, for the excluded and for all the people aware and geared true the good of others. It is the world’s deep sense of the term, and never as in these sad times of a man of this hardening of this authority and the world needed.


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