Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Uggetti reveals its priorities – The Citizen

24 November 2015

A brief will present the mid-term budget. Meanwhile, the mayor Simon Uggetti, promises: “The Caroline Island will succeed, and we will do very beautiful.” And “fire” in advance cartridges for the next two years in Broletto, pulling ears to what he calls the “professional perpetual lamentation.” Among the projects being considered by the conversion of the old pool of Faustina, “we will reason in the coming months, we made the first assessments so that it can be a space for additional sports basketball and volleyball, mainly but not only” one more step in the citadel sports. In addition, the administration is moving with the association Lodi walled city to define the scenario of Lodi underground, “with the cathedral vegetable can help make more attractive the city, the first to be proud we must be”, but for now Uggetti not want to reveal more. News in sight for the museum of the former Riding School, waiting for years, the junta has already made a visit.

At the same time, the mayor announced that the runway of the Green plug open between February and March.


What is the health status of the majority? There is a new “transfer market”?

“The majority is strongly committed to the objectives of that program are ambitious, articulate, challenging. It is neither of recruitment or sales campaign, I always said that this is a center-left majority civic and enlarged, I have stated in very difficult times, or during the election campaign. I can do a good convergence with all those who want to work together, while respecting the values ​​of the center which are not negotiable and trying to make an active contribution to the city. “

And the possible convergence with Spring Lodigiana at what point is it?

“With Spring Lodigiana there is definitely a relationship and a close communication, are an opposition force that has decided to have an attitude of collaboration and proposition active in different roles. The relationship has grown in terms of collaboration and trust and not currently form part of the majority. “

But will?

” I do not know, definitely from my point of view it might be important in view of a convergence that we can make a path together. But to make a path along it takes two. “

He’s going to appoint another commissioner after the resignation of Thomas Premoli? If so, when?

“The intention is to restore the original number of councilors, and then get back to eight. The timing is linked to questions of a more professional and politically. Do not ask me the name, I would say that much there. “

The opposition, by Sel in League and Forza Italy, argues that this administration is not” transparent “. That is: you pose questions that are not answered. How do you respond to this accusation?

“We are absolutely committed to compliance with the law and regulations. Frankly, every time there was a request for access to documents these acts were delivered. We made several steps in the municipal councils of topics that were not necessarily obliged to speak Abb example, could be a measure to come but we thought it was important to send him to the city council. It is understood the questions. Maybe some turn as councilor with that of municipal employee, which are two different issues. “

In recent days there has been an escalation of scams that have affected especially the elderly. What can the City? Intend to deploy more local police to support other law enforcement officers?

“The issue of security is a theme to 360 degrees, concerns scams, robberies, the presence sometimes excessive sellers or immigrants. It is a theme that is assessed as a broader concept. Serves an increasingly close relationship and synergy with other police forces, we can not forget that the responsibility of the City in this context is residual. There are police, carabinieri and financial police, the relationship with these forces is positive. We must always remain vigilant, because that security is an important issue for the quality of life of citizens. And then more and more initiatives that can bring to life the sights of the city with ease. It is a theme that we want to definitely improve, it is no coincidence that they were done ordinances, others will be made in the next period, but without going too. Data, from theft to robbery, it is not negative data for the city, that does not mean complacent. The perception is important. ”

swimming pool, bar and former Childhood Landscape: how do you explain the blitz of Finance? You worried?

“I have this maxim, absolutely note: Do no evil, have no fear. There is a great tranquility, my staff and the council with respect to these investigations that I see positively. They can have a double result: a negative result, and so there were illegal, while the other could lead to a finding of liability that, if there were or there are, it is good to emerge. My interest as mayor is that the resources of the administration are committed to the fullest. And if there is someone or something that prevents this proper use is good that there is action. Why … do not forget that there is an obligation of investigation as a result of complaints, many of these stories are born exposed to. “

Expansion of door to door in the city and increased recycling. But it is a fact that the city is full of abandoned waste. What do you do?

“While we thank the citizens who joined with a positive attitude to this change of waste management. We have gone to the door to door to improve the rate of collection and sent to landfill less resources, the environment. And the citizens until now are behaving in an exemplary manner. 79 percent dell’Oltreadda and Lakes is a matter of exception, as almost 75 percent of the area Fanfani, Martinetta, San Grato, Pratello. They are high that data must show that the vast majority of citizens is behaving properly and is making leaps do our very high percentage of recycling. There is a part that does not behave properly instead: since the information there was, to be strong also the element of repression with auxiliary environmental and traffic wardens. There must, however, also be a social sanction, which must be determined by the citizens, who must take those who behave incorrectly. The negative affect on the bill of Tari and the urban quality of the city. “

The new bank will also allow the redevelopment of Lungoadda, taken often targeted by vandals?

“The new bank is being done to secure the city. A year ago we had a flood of the river that has been in the top ten since the war. The new system of banks protection has held up, the criticality were wherever you are building the embankment. We must never forget that on 6 November 2002, unfortunately it was a day almost tragic for the city. How you can integrate the embankment with city life? There will be an area three meters wide pedestrian and cycle lanes that will allow greater enjoyment. In the last conference of the services it was decided to make a review to remove the bricks and put the bridge to Belgiardino a type of masonry that can also better manage any vandalism. It could even be an opportunity to color a part of the city, as has happened for the underpass via Lodivecchio and San Fereolo. “

What can really make the City to combat smog?

“The City may decrease the emissive sources, can decrease levels of concentration. The much-battered district heating was done because from an environmental perspective to have a single center that distributes hot water is ameliorative. We are among the first municipalities that have adopted a more stringent building regulations in terms of energy consumption. Less consumption, less pollution. We have focused so much on sustainable mobility and cycling routes also to decrease the emission levels in the city. In the future we must make as many initiatives in this direction. We must engrave on two factors: mobility and heating. “

On the dubious distinction of Lodi for the incidence of tumors what can the City?

” I say again, even if this aspect it would be for ASL. On this issue I wanted to convene a conference of mayors for an update on the cancer registry, so that it is always updated to understand the types and indicates what are the environmental factors, to have a greater impact on those. It is clear that it is not a problem of a city, but of some territories. Themes are very delicate and sensitive, are made arguments of depth “

When you start work for the new campus of the University?

” The construction start by the end dell’anno.L’Università and Technology Park are two central elements for our city. The attention is now focused on the full transfer of the faculty of veterinary medicine, the inclusion degree, an investment 57 millions of euros. The competition is managed by the University itself, he was awarded the winner, the contract provides for the opening by 2017. On November 28, for the tenth anniversary of the Park will be the rector of the University of Milan and confirm these passages ” .

The appeal to the TAR of one of the companies who participated in the old project may compromise the start of work?

“It is a procedure that is It was followed in the overall interests of local authorities. Recall that in the old program agreement the City and County had to put 10 million head, now there must put 5. I claim proudly that renegotiation, because it has brought savings for the City. In addition it was planned to connect cycling and walking with the city, which in the old agreement was not there “

For the Caroline Island you need a project so” impressive “? Meanwhile you are seeing to the maintenance?

“During the election campaign I said clearly that I could send the resources of a major redevelopment of the island Carolina. We are working to fulfill the commitment. What does it mean? Do lighting, improve connections and access that are critical to redo the paths that are in a state unseemly, restate the play area, access to a separate area with dogs, keep the trees that instead the old plan was break down. We believe this new project, starting from the enhancement of the existing, will be a great asset: the connection between the gardens of Viale IV Novembre, the new park and the green plug. Few cities have a system of central green so impressive. “


Paola Casiroli asks whether the municipality can not work in a “pilot project” so that families are helped in dealing with the elderly. Many can not afford either the caregiver or the nursing home, care is often difficult.

“It’s an important issue, delicate and interesting. The aim is to adapt our facilities and services to accommodate the needs of those who are new but increasingly extended. We are proud of structures like St. Clare, we managed to maintain a link with the local situation and increased the number of workers for a year now. Santa Chiara has some active services for Alzheimer’s. It is an issue that requires us a stronger commitment than to the facilities put in place. “

Louis Micheli highlights the problems that there are in the city on parking. It asks what happened to the idea of ​​a former parking Slaughterhouse …

“The new call parking, for the management of parking meters, will provide for an evaluation mode will be added to those can propose additional areas to stop, it could focus on certain areas in particular. The new contract will be in 2016 “.

Stefano Farina wants to know what you plan to do against theft bike …

” We did the Ciclofficina and the Ciclostazione and we have equipped the city of different carrier. But this was not enough, there is a labeling system that can be partially deterrent. I tell a banality, none of these initiatives is crucial, if not combined with control of the police. It is also important to choose carefully the place and the lock, which must be particularly strong, not because it can not be undermined, but because it is more difficult to remove it. “

Pasquale Vaghi asks when they settled the cemeteries

“In 2016 there will be a new project with a new method of management of cemeteries. The structure that needs most is the Greater and investments will start from here, to return the decoration. “

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