It will be at the center of the circular economy Ecomondo, the international exhibition dedicated to the recovery of materials and energy, which begins today at the Fiera di Rimini. Will attend the Environment Minister, Gian Luca Galletti, which will conclude the first morning of the “Coalition for green economy” (live on LanuovaecologiaTV): a comparison of many voices which commits 400 experts in eight working groups , coordinated by the Foundation for Sustainable Development chaired by Edo Ronchi.
It will be presented the first report on the green economy in Italy, a document that analyzes the performance of companies with an eye to the expectations in the near future. “Italy can focus on the green economy to qualify and strengthen the economic recovery – said Ronchi – A good international agreement, necessary to combat climate change, will give new impetus to the green economy also in the renewable sector which in Italy recently suffered a strong setback. ” In view of the Cop21, the climate change conference to be held later this month in Paris, he will also discuss the potential of biogas applied to the production of electricity, heat, biofuels and biomaterials. They will be deepened the technological characteristics of the anaerobic digestion of organic waste, highlighting potential to fill critical research and to implement. It will also discuss the efficiency of the food chain, restoration and enhancement of organic waste. Will offer an overview of the opportunities of access to the EU fund for the green economy.
What’s New in the 2015 Ecomondo, which will remain open until Friday, 6, is the Global Water Expo, the international exhibition on material recovery and energy and sustainable development. It will be explored the theme of Water and Carbon Energy Nexus: a focus on the supply chain of integrated water cycle of water, from collection to return to the environment. Explains Francesco Fatone, professor at the University of Verona and member of the working group of the Scientific Committee of water Ecomondo: “Companies will learn techniques and business prospects possible in countries that are planning massive interventions in the sector, such as Oman, Israel, Brazil, Iran and the Balkans. ” They will then present the technological innovations for handling and recycling of sewage sludge, with a particular attention to the technical, economic and environmental impact of installations and strategies for the reuse of treated water. Some Italian municipalities will experience put in place to overcome the intra-Community infringement and water emergencies.
The event will be enriched with the usual events dedicated to energy and sustainable mobility, urban hygiene, innovation for residential property. Confirmed the area of Sustainable City (where Legambiente will be present with its activities and the new Ecology with video and news reports) dedicated to smart grids with new sectors, as Ibe greeen on public transport and on urban renewal area. Among the new features, the Park of innovation technologies and innovations from technology parks and national science.
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