After the boom of Bitcoin, electronic money launched in 2009 by an anonymous known by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, the concept of virtual currency and earn online he has begun to take shape and has evolved over the years. These credits are accepted for both online services and for tangible goods. Are in fact many institutions, organizations and associations that accept donations in bitcoins; among the many you can mention the Electronic Frontier Foundation, The Pirate Bay, the Free Software Foundation and also the Wikimedia Foundation. You can also purchase from other big sites like Amazon and eBay through some intermediaries. So a small revolution that fits fully with the technological age we live in.
With this in mind, from the minds of the Milanese Francesco Imbesi and the Israeli Nissan Bahar, it was born Bitwalking, an innovative idea that embraces the concept of health to gain virtual. Its inventors are already famous because in 2014, along with a team of about thirty software developers, have invented Keepod, the computer from 5 euro added to a USB stick, already sold in 15 months in 85 countries. But how it works and what it is Bitwalking? The idea is based on a simple philosophy: “Walking is good for the body, but now will do well in their pockets.” All this is possible thanks to a free app, once downloaded to your smartphone, it counts steps. But what makes it truly original idea will be wondering the most? Every 10,000 steps taken, approximately seven kilometers, is credited Bitwalking 1 dollar ($ BW). Once you accumulated a figure spendable you can enter the market linked from the app and buy goods like electronics products, health and beauty thanks to the sponsors and the chains that have already joined the project Bitwalking.
Another new aspect is the exchange between people. Or, if the purchase of a certain object serve BW $ 150 and they have only 110, you can ask the remaining loan to other users, or exchange them for other products or cash. It thus generates a virtuous circle between groups of people in each country or nationality. According to the creators, Bitwalking could also become a corporate benefits to encourage employees to walk, but not only. The new currency will in future also be used in sporting events, concerts and events where they join thousands of people, because with this new currency will be able to raise funds for non-profit and humanitarian actions. They are also already active contacts with telecommunication operators interested in converting them into mini-phone credit and prepaid cards. In short, a real revolution monetary.
Bitwalking was born to try to provide a source of income for the inhabitants of the developing countries, but will also come in most developed countries for purely commercial reasons. Currently in fact the project started in Malawi. If you were wondering who pays these famous Bitwalking dollars, it is good to know that the main candidates are all those companies that have joined the initiative. These may someday think of a high return on their advertising investment once the app has caught on in more developed countries. For the time to access the program Bitwalking you need an invitation, which can be obtained by going to the site
-invite request. The project starts at the same time all over the world and there are millions of requests. So you can not know in advance how long to wait to start earning walking. Of course those who register before expecting less. After a month of development, the application will be available to all.
In the future, where Bitwalking get the expected success, it is conceivable that this could become a process to create cash to spend on goods and services. The scenario massive adoption of this new money that comes from the web in fact no limits. Just think of those who will open stores “exchange” where people go for $ BW convert into real money. With a double advantage: the customer cashes local currency, while the shopkeeper uses BW $ exchange with other exercises, or puts them back into circulation.
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