Ford gave shows at the Dublin Web Summit of the enrichment of the catalog of AppLink , the function of the SYNC that implements voice commands board to use the app in the car. Many applications and many opportunities on which the automaker works by encouraging startups and aggregating content. The idea is so connected as safe a car, unable to distract the person on board, rather divertendola and helping it.
In the pavilion totem Ford Web Summit are noticed all the logos of these partnerships Sync: Spotify, Audioteka, AUPEO !, Cityseeker, Cyclops, Eventseeker, Glympse, Goal Live Scores, Radioplayer, Soundtracker, and going crazy viewers Gear VR drop the person inside the car where the driver has available to these different forms of entertainment and information. To lead the way for virtual experience offered to the public during the three days the Irish music streaming service independent Ministry of Sound: The new application synchronized platform lets you hear all the music streaming scenario independent, divided into digital stations broadcasting 24 24 hours.
Sync becomes more social
Also in Dublin the Blue Oval has also shown implementation of social functions, with an aggregator that combines in one application all its online messaging: Meople Connector. This system allows users to manage messages from your contacts on a range of social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin and works just like any other app is available for iOS and Android devices, and when used with AppLink uses the audio system of the car to read out incoming messages from their social contacts, responding to voice commands such as “read”, “Jump” or “reply”. You can set how often the updates to occur, respond with predefined messages customizable and communicate with friends, family and colleagues made their position via GPS. Meople supports 6 different languages, including Italian.
Winners dell’hackathon
Ford took advantage of the Web Summit also to announce the winners of the SYNC AppLink Developer Challenge , a challenge of 24 hours which was attended by developers from 17 countries worldwide. Participants were asked to submit a project for the creation of new apps that did use the SYNC AppLink, then had to use the best features of the platform, away from the target to introduce information without distracting the driver. Ford offered cash prizes for a total of EUR 75,000.
The app winner, who was awarded the prize of 50,000 Euros and the chance to work closely with Ford to develop the project further, is Efficient Drive, a system of analysis of driving parameters and motor that helps in real-time to consume less. The jury praised the ability to recognize when the engine is under stress or work at engine speeds too high, and liked the aim of optimizing torque delivery by providing an audio and visual feedback in real time to drivers. “I was amazed by the creative minds that have proven their value,” said Don Butler, Executive Director Vehicles and Related Services Ford Motor Company. The automaker will continue to provide technological support to startupper.
Our test “on the road”
A beautiful girl speaks with whoever is next (that is targeted to the person wearing the viewer) he wants to go clubbing and asks the car where you could go. Then also he decides to warm the environment by tuning the favorite music, the same who will listen when it arrives. His friend, however, want to change their gender: what’s the problem? Just a simple voice command, only that right a moment later came a post on a social network of a friend and decide to answer. Also because it is an invitation to spend the weekend together.
Put on display and have the experience of App Link Ford is entering the vehicle plus the best car today and certainly also those of tomorrow. Christoph Hirner , the engineer explained that in Dublin, tireless, at all curious how the system works, attaches great importance on data security. No doubt it’s fun and it works well, but the more seized on the subject – especially journalists – they want to know if all of these applications will never want to know all the data produced in the report device-Sync. Reassurance is total:
Ford receives daily requests proposals of this kind, and every day our answer is no. The reason is simple: we are interested in providing innovative services to our consumers, not exchange data. The rest relates to the individual contracts concluded by the user with the application loaded on the smartphone. App Link is a connection system and we designed it to provide more information to the user on every occasion on which data produces its application, but his: ours is not sold to third parties.
The stand of the Ford Web Summit was focused on the App link to Sync.
When asked what the difference between a car connected as the one presented in Dublin and the interconnected, Hirner is less dogmatic:
In fact technically do not see this big difference. I understand the objection, it is one thing the car connected with a smartphone and another is connected to the car with other cars, but replied with another question: in terms of the platforms we’re doing, what’s the difference between connect with one or the other? That’s why we strongly believe in Sync App Link: once established standards evolved, our cars are connetterranno in everything it will want or be able to connect, in safety.
We tried the virtual experience of the App Link of Ford Sync with the latest applications: a large number of possible features yet simple to use. Including listening to music and managing the company.
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