Tuesday, November 10, 2015

All services in a multi-purpose card “If you do not innovate, you are cut off” – The Republic


[CASE] Milan S yield the instrument of food stamps to enter the rich business of corporate welfare, following a model already proven: that of large Italian groups of the past, Olivetti and Pirelli in the head, which in the field are still a point of reference. “The success of the welfare model is the son of a contamination intellectual wanted by enlightened entrepreneurs, which produced profits to the company and welfare workers. Today, that model is that possible? I say yes”. He speaks off the cuff, Fogliani Gregory, president of Here! Group, a leading operator in the Italian capital and according to specific weight in the domestic market of food stamps with a turnover in the past four years from 440 (2010) to 610 million euro (2014), with an expected closing in 2015 of 650 millions of euros. To its credit, the company now has more than 30 thousand stores participating in loyalty programs; 20 million cards active electronics in the cash back loyalty programs; 4.5 million cards active electronic loyalty programs to score; over 15,000 Pos managed; 100 million of bonds issued each year, and about 1 million prepaid cards in distribution. “In recent years we have achieved significant results. But not enough because if a company does not attack the market with innovative ideas, the market cuts you off. Especially if you compare yourself with a company like ours, dominated by foreign multinationals. And ‘

what we’re doing, and the meal voucher is the “key” to open other doors. One of these is the corporate welfare, “says Fogliani, leading a group of 1,300 people who, for further growth, has for some years diversified its business which now includes electronic money, technology and corporate welfare. Last born in Here! Group is, in fact, Welfare Company, the first Italian company specialized in solutions of welfare 2.0. The first objective of the company was the development of a portal, My Welfare, for the management of flexible benefit plans: voucher, voucher school, good baby, voucher mobility solutions based on card, voucher, e-couponing and other services innovative. “When you reach a certain size, we asked ourselves: how can we be different? The answer came from the market, with new technologies. Not surprisingly, we have invested 20 million Euros in three years in research. We went from paper to electronic food voucher, now this is in the multi-purpose card or in an app for surface where it can be loaded, in addition to food stamps, many other additional services welfare, “says Fogliani. A historic step which, in all probability, will be accelerated by the new rules introduced in July with the tax exemption of electronic vouchers, from 5.29 to 7 Euros. “It’s a first step in moving in the right direction because it has a positive effect on the whole chain – says the president – for three simple reasons: the purchasing power of the user increases by an average of 400 euro per year; the operator has thus the possibility to increase its turnover in a transparent manner; The company, in turn, is able to offer an incentive to their employees without paying the contributions and management of food stamps quick and easy: for example, with electronic card can be decreased errors in calculations and in bills. In addition, it will reduce the risk of fraud and forgery. ” For the number one here! Group, the second step is to further expand these incentives to put more money in your pocket to people. “To give 100 Euros net to an employee, a company now spends 300 – objects – Here is the problem. To overcome it, we must instead broaden the traditional concept of a good meal to corporate welfare. If that happens, I predict that within three years there will be on the market only electronic card. ” However, even today, there is strong resistance to the spread of an integrated digital and meal vouchers, as a solution of this type would require a real transparency in transactions and many operators, to avoid ending up upside down because of a stifling taxation, they are forced to do black. “In this way, the whole chain does not grow – says Fogliani – because the opportunities for development can not be separated from transparency.” Meanwhile, the goal of Here! Group for the coming years is to land on foreign markets, offering abroad its systems of payment and loyalty. The company, for the time being, will begin to operate in Brazil, through a partnership with a major company that does the issue of credit cards (comparable all’Imel Italian). “In the next two years it will then be the turn of the United States, where we are already doing scouting – concludes the president – do not forget, however, Italy, where we are investing to consolidate two centers of technological excellence, Genoa and Naples, for innovation and the development of the business of the group, with the inclusion in the company of young talents selected through collaborations with universities. ” (Vdc) The market for food stamps is rising sharply for three years, after suffering a collapse. The latest push comes from the changes in the law since last summer that made it more fiscally convenient meal ticket electronic Pictured above Gregory Fogliani president of Here! Group


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