TIM COOK put away the computer. In an interview to ‘ Independent , the number one Apple claims to travel the world with three devices: an iPhone connected to an Apple Watch and, of course, a brand iPad Pro. It does so for a reason based on a well-defined belief, that the consecration of the post-PC “iPad Pro will replace the personal computer for many,” says the CEO of Apple.
So while Mr. Cook leaves the MacBook at home, iPad range expands again. In this case, with the newest iPad Pro, literally “grows”. After the first iPad in 2010, its sixth generation with Air iPad 2 and the iPad Mini come on the market in 2012 and now in its fourth, Apple launches a new model that aims to change the tables on the tablet market, reworking the original idea and bringing it definitely the era of “post-PC”, over and tablet computers as we know them so far. The result is called iPad Pro, where the “pro” stands for the one you prefer between “professional”, “production” or you want to even “just great”, because the new iPad is the tablet broader range – the Apple called “epic” – with a Retina display with a resolution of 2732 x 2048, 12.9 diagonal, 5.6 million pixels. The iPad Pro is indeed a post-PC device but also a tablet “pure” perc can be used like any other iPad, although Apple has a catalog of accessories in order to use the full potential. They are dedicated and specific devices, which do not work on other iPad: Apple Pencil , a “pencil” technological full of sensors and Smart Keyboard , a cover-keyboard touch and the operating features designed for those who are using the tablet for writing and needs a more traditional means of a touchscreen.
We tried the maxi-iPad using apps updated Pencil support, and the most “intensive” for the CPU. The main feeling is that iPad Pro is an iPad reinvented, and not just a tablet bigger. The size and resolution of the display make possible a level of enjoyment unprecedented: read websites, let’s take one at random, Repubblica.it, is a much more similar to reading a newspaper at consulting a website. It happens even with the most cutting-edge sites for pagination and layout: the size short, make the difference. In fact, back then to use a smaller iPad is a feeling almost disorienting.
Where, however, the use of Pro is most striking is when you use the Pencil. The fact that the display to recognize when your palm rests on the screen for writing and drawing, makes the iPad Pro using a natural object. One senses that in short is the “big brother” of the Apple tablet, which is designed to offer more and that in fact, provides a user experience much broader. Using it with Umake, Paper and Procreate, app design and design, the device reveals its most professional. These applications are sophisticated but not complicated suited to the world of work and study, and it is not hard to imagine Pro iPad as an educational tool, even with a fast lap with an app (very nice) as Complete Anatomy, in which the body Human can be analyzed up to the last detail. It can realize that future apps will provide learning tools, such as with interactive text on one side of the screen and a digital notebook on the other. The possibilities are endless with a clear interactive display of this size. The screen size makes sure that pairing two app, a feature of iOS 9, each has available more or less the same space as a display iPad “regular”, and this results in significantly increased usability and experience for true multitasking.
Apple Pencil. Steve Jobs once said: “Who needs a pen, we have ten hands.” He said showing the world the iPhone, saying that with a multitouch screen small stylus made little sense. On a machine as per Apple iPad it has necessarily had to revisit the idea of the founder, starting from another concept. The Apple Pencil is not a nib, but is a tool with sensors that determine the level of pressure and inclination. And ‘active, has an internal battery that is recharged directly from the iPad in 15 seconds, and can only be used on the Pro, which has a display designed specifically to make it work. Since this tablet a tool designed for creative people and for education, Pencil could not be more of a classic pen and in the idea of the Apple Pencil is an interactive tool complete. It is used as a normal pencil, it is sensitive to pressure levels and produces different traits depending on how the tilts. The plastic tip supple in use is consumed (it takes several months of use) and in the box there’s a spare. The accessory has already received contributions from big developers like Adobe and Autodesk, with different app dedicated graphics processing, with Microsoft Office. In addition to drawing with the various app dedicated to the art freehand sketching to 3D and the (very valid order Procreate, Autodesk Sketch and Umake), the Pencil can be used as a tool to highlight parts of documents and e-mail, and personal storage programs like Evernote. And certainly there will be short-gaming ready to use it.
differences and novelties. iPad Pro is clearly a great first iPad. What’s more, both technically and conceptually. It ‘a machine that brings iPad and iOS in a production environment for both professionals and enthusiasts. The most obvious is the size: the Retina display of nearly 13 inches, compared with 9.7 and 7.9 of the iPad classic Mini. We most of the parties of the Macbook that those tablets. It has a redesigned multitouch technology to capture sharper touches such as the Pencil. On the side there is a new Smart Connector which is there to connect accessories such as keyboard-cover and other devices: in addition to Smart Keyboard Apple tried the keyboard Create Logitech iPad Pro, backlit. The concept here is different from the Smart Keyboard, this keyboard is a “pure” touch that recalls that of the Macbook, and if it were not for iOS on the screen would be easy to confuse the machines. Still hardware, iPad Pro has 4 gigs of Ram and above, has a chip inside A9X 64bit, or the top of the range in the world iOS. In short it is an object “Pro” and exterior dimensions are an indication of the maximum, everything is a bit ‘bigger in this iPad.
Another key difference is the sound, which is essential for those who consume content but also for those who produce it. iPad Pro has 4 speakers, with less than ever dedicated to low. Or if the tablet is shot in portrait mode while maybe you were watching a video orizzonatale, the speakers will reproduce lower frequencies more and more serious. Processing power can be seen from the benchmark (comparative tests instrumental) but also on how the iPad Pro manages three video resolution Ultra HD to iMovie, allowing a fluid editing on a Mac as well-equipped, all without touching a mouse.
Prices: iPad Pro is not cheap, but the prices are in line with the catalog of Apple. Starts from EUR 919 (32 GB, WiFi) to 1249 (128 GB, WiFi-cellular), the Pencil costs 109 and Smart Keyboard 179. Certainly this is the top range of iPad and then the instrument of choice for users of the Apple tablet to enjoy content, newspapers, movies, music. But it is clearly a powerful machine with which you can process even heavy contents, such as videos in 4K above. In our test we worked with UHD video shot with the iPhone 6s and it was a very fluid test. The iPad Pro then also a vocation from machine gaming, with a graphical level. There is only one accessory – joypad, perhaps designed for the Smart Connector, to give serious concern to developers of console. There are also a couple of teething, the first smart keyboard is not backlit. It is pleasant to use in writing fast and has a good touch – after passing the initial feeling of lack of a touchpad that’s used instinctively looking for it, but there is – in its place is the screen of the iPad Pro . Another sour note, the Pencil does not have a place where it can be put away when not in use, there are no hooks or magnetic media, and the risk of losing it there.
What we think. The pros in the name of the new iPad can also mean “Prosumer”, with a device that is aimed at the same time the general user (consumer) and professional, in a car that is a meeting point of technology dedicated to the worlds of users not so separated as just a few years ago. But in fact the real meaning may be “perspective” because the iPad Pro provides a comprehensive view of technology convergence trends and the categories that change. The iPad Pro you can safely carry around as does Tim Cook, weighs 723 grams. But its nature is that of a desktop tablet , a tool that is able to move forward the bar use of touchscreen devices. And ‘the common challenge for all the big names in technology, imagine and create a desktop product that anyone who is born today with the smartphone in hand when you’ll want to use will have to study and work. The concept of the personal computer has evolved and how the PC will always have a market, more and more fragmented in specific segments with machines built to make the most of a specific work, to dominate in the future will be the new devices able to aggregate the mobile experience to the needs of the desktop. Perspective, in fact. The rule that something appears in the visual field while others become marginal. And in the field of view of the immediate future technology it is a natural fusion between past and present, which outlines the future. That of devices capable of making the user experience more and consisting, in a single operating environment, however, always recognizable and usable at various levels of depth and professionalism. Whether you need a video shoot fast pulling the smartphone from his pocket, and that we should then mount it with other video Ultra Hd, requiring processing capability and power, but simply to manage. All using multiple devices, but with the feeling to use one only.
Replaces really pc? Also here it is a matter of perspective. Certainly at the time the offer of personal computers, Mac and Windows, incorporates a background over ten years of experience, research, usability, selection of software and peripherals, allowing those looking for a device to go without fail: with a computer can do more or less everything. At the moment. Because computers are now defined objects, at least so far: have a keyboard, a display, a mouse or a touchpad. But tomorrow? Tomorrow’s technology will be infinitely more pervasive today, just as today is infinitely more pervasive yesterday. In this sense iPad Pro is one of the most strategic products of Apple, one of those that best frame the technological future. Tomorrow, the tablet will be the same desks today are made of wood or glass, an interactive operating system will make everyday objects, a school desk, a conference table. It will no longer make sense to speak of dimensions, because each area potentially will be a display of our digital lives, always just a tap away and look, and new ideas. A synthesis between apparently distant worlds markets and tablet PC is the only possible in an environment where the operating systems are becoming more contiguous and cloud becomes our main mass storage – and not only that of our devices. The tablet dekstop basically does this, combines the technical requirements of a variegated audience of users with the necessary simplification of the infrastructure and interfaces. And the iPad Pro is a synthesis of what is now on the market and what we will be and must be. The leap into the future in the vision of Apple, and a powerful new tool for today.
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