Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Management and technological innovations to businesses here seminars … – Grosseto News

South Tuscany Confindustria has four free seminars , the result of the joint work of the association, together with partners Readytec, has created a series of events to spread innovations useful in the present context.

The meetings, which will start Thursday, October 8 with the first event entitled “Monetizing stocks: your warehouse storage resources”, will continue until February 2016 and will be all available in video conference.

Two conferences, in fact, will be held at the Siena , in Via dei Rossi 2, while the other will be held at the headquarters of the local Grosseto , in Viale Monterosa, 196. The possibility of videoconferencing will allow participants who can not be present in person to follow the meetings just as if they were in the classroom.

The first meeting

To inaugurate the series of seminars will be the theme of inventory management and will be held at the headquarters of Confindustria Siena, with the opportunity to attend via videoconference from Grosseto. Through the new techniques of inventory management and the introduction of new figures in the management, also stocks a greater importance and become an essential economic resource.

The latest theories suggest, in fact, to manage inventory as if they had money in a bank deposit because they have a well-structured warehouse is a key resource in the current context, can contribute to the increase in cash flow and profitability. By participating in the meeting, not only the warehouse and operationally organize material, but also the business owners, executives, managers, administrative and financial will have a guide to the appropriate inventory management according to the newest techniques.

The seminar will also be presented to the market investigation “Optimize the stock in terms of indices and rotation: benchmarking of industry.” They will conduct this first date Renato Baresi , consultant and specialist of the new tools of inventory management, and Andrea Burchianti , head of division Erp Readytec.

seminar program

The next two meetings will take place, however, in Grosseto in Grosseto and territorial headquarters of Confindustria, as for the first lesson, participants will be able to follow the Sienese videoconference. Grosseto appointments will be the November 12 , with “Human resources: the real value of the company today and tomorrow”, and 28 January 2016 , with the course titled “Benefits of integration of e-commerce platform to software management and promotion techniques.”

The series of seminars will end on February 25, 2016 with the last stage, always in Siena, dedicated to using the latest technology in the food industry, with the seminar “When technology meets the taste: management technologies in the food, agriculture and food and wine.”

Participation seminars it is completely free and open to all. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation.

For more information, you can contact the delegation of Confindustria Tuscany South of Grosseto, Via Monterosa, 196, or call 0564.468811 or send an email to ‘segreteria@confindustriagrosseto.it address.


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