Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Patents + 2, the question of financing SMEs – PMI.it

Launch of the platform Invitalia the question of financing for SMEs and Patents + 2 spin-offs: instructions for obtaining grants.


From October 6 can apply for funding for patents SMEs and spin-offs: the call Patents + 2 grant contributions grant (up to 140 thousand euro per company) covering 80% of the costs (up to 100% for the spin-off). It is financed with EUR 30.5 million from the Ministry of Economic Development to promote the innovation capacity and competitiveness of Italian companies.

= & gt; Contributions SMEs: nuvo call Patents + 2

The question occurs exclusively through the electronic platform of Invitalia , which you must register. Must possess digital signature and e-mail address certified (the PEC ). Must be accompanied by a project plan , and fill out online and broadcast complete with attachments to brevettiplus@pec.invitalia.it within 30 days of the electronic protocol. Application form, instructions and a facsimile of the project plan have been available online on the website of Invitalia.

project plan contains the ways in which the ‘ Company intends to economically enhance the patent and the way in which the services are directed toward these goals. The assessment will be made, based on parameters set relative to credibility enhancement strategy of the patent, consistency of services, providers, costs.

= & gt ; Italy in the single European patent

Companies in receipt

Funding Patents + 2 is intended to micro enterprises and SMEs, also newly formed, based in Italy, with one of the following requirements :

  • holders or licensees of a patent released after January 1, 2013 ;
  • hold a patent application made subsequent to that date, which meets the following requirements: if the national filing, the research report with outcome “not negative”; when filing for a European patent, the request for substantive examination at the EPO; in case of filing of international patent application (PCT), the fee for international preliminary examination or the report of deposit needed to nationalization of patents;
  • holding a ‘ option or preliminary agreement to buy or acquisition of a license of a patent issued after 01.01.2013, with a subject, even abroad, which holds the ownership.

The incentive is also recognized to spin-offs, in which the participation in the capital of the research or university (recognized by the Ministry of Education) is above 10%, with the ownership of a patent or of a preliminary agreement to buy or acquire a license to use the patent, provided that granted after 1 January 2012 and transferred from the university or research institution partner.

Both businesses both spin-offs at the time of submission of the application must be posted at Companies Register and be in full exercise of civil rights (not voluntary liquidation or subject to bankruptcy proceedings).

= & gt; Patents: Patent box, operating modes

Eligible expenses

Shipping admitted: specialized services for the economic exploitation of the patent, both within the production cycle is on the market. The announcement contains the detailed table of all eligible services (feasibility studies, prototypes, markets, communication and so on). areas services: engineering and industrialization, organization and development, technology transfer.

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