Assemble you Go is a weekly feature that gathers the main news related hardware from the PC game and proposes three configurations, divided by price band, designed for those who want to assemble or upgrade your machine. As usual suggestions and corrections are welcome as long as the tones are adequate. Another tip is to read paragraphs that have configurations before giving battle in the comments. The 2016 is approaching inexorably and for months we are portrayed as a year of dreams through promises to revolutionize GPU, of three-dimensional vision, the campaign of Star Citizen and even a Nintendo console more powerful than a GIG Tiger. All potentially explosive elements but, since we are in the pages of Assemble you Skip, we focus on the first two items that getting richer thanks to rumors, revelations and statements. We start from the new GPU, more precisely from AMD should have completed the process of chip development Ellesmere and Baffin Island. While remaining on the coupling AMD FX-6300 and M5A78L-M / USB3, which guarantees a good balance between quality and price with regard to the low end, this week we return to change the video card in the wake of some attractive offers related to Sapphire R7 260X that is available, even in the version with 2GB although in very small quantities, around 120 euro even in the retail online. Consumption, however, force us to return to the Cooler Master 600W, too powerful but palatable to pricing issues, which unfortunately is slightly more expensive than a few weeks ago. We do not change instead the memories having regard to the difficulty of finding cheaper solutions for the same performance. As always we remember that as needed the DVD player can be eliminated to further polish the final price. Based on the statements of an employee of Oculus VR put pen to paper a configuration based on the minimum requirements needed to run anything you will find in the store dedicated to the viewer Oculus Rift. We start with the i5-4590, available at affordable prices, combined with a GeForce GTX 970 high quality that not any problem with the current gaming, 1080p. By pointing to the bare minimum we’re not going to touch the motherboard on which we mount the usual 8GB memory that once again meet the requirements supposed to be able to enjoy the leisure activities of Oculus Rift. Considering the limited need for ventilation of this build we use also in this case the Zalman Z3 that allows us to balance the increase in price associated to the change of the GPU. This week we try to keep prices within reasonable but give up the brake and we would like to switch to a more powerful video card and less greedy in terms of energy. The goal is the 4K with a single card relatively affordable which leads us to choose a license plate Gigabyte GTX 980 Ti able to combine good performance, reliability and high price but acceptable. In order to ensure maximum support for the GPU we climb a step towards the i7-4790K without changing the motherboard or memory. Also we remain faithful to the reliable XTX 750W leaving enough margin to play with the frequencies of the system. As usual, you can delete the luxury of SSD to descend to 1470 Euros.
At this point it should intervene production facilities with definitive tests to which, if everything goes well, will follow the actual mass production GPU. According to the rumor the two chips will be part of the Radeon 400 but are mid-range products, which should end up in the mainstream and performance configurations. However, if the rumor were to be confirmed we would for two hands and valuable information like that would confirm the advanced state of the work on the new AMD video cards and a completely renewed. In fact these are the promises of Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, which recently spoke a total refurbishment of the Radeon lineup during the 2016 made possible by partnerships with two foundries. However, changing the subject, some people think that the new generation of cards will not be necessary to set foot in the so-called virtual revolution. According to an employee of Oculus VR, in fact, a GeForce GTX 970 would be enough to turn every single bit of software that will be present in the official store dell’Oculus Rift. Of course, it remains to see what titles will be available, by excluding immediately from the equation games like Star Citizen, and it remains to be seen how long the GTX 970 will be enough. Once they get the new generation GPU also the technological level of the middleware will grow, rising inexorably requirements mean for the independent games. In any case, according to a statement, the Nvidia card will be sufficient at least for starting and for this we insert the configuration based on the requirements of Oculus Rift.
The recommended specifications for the consumer version dell’Oculus Rift coming in 2016 mentions an Nvidia GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290, 8GB of memory, Intel i5-4590 CPU and Windows 7SP1 for a total of about 1,200 euro, but without a monitor with a mouse and a decent viewer Oculus. We face a total certainly not low and this could cause some problems of perception by the public, limiting the official lineup in those experiences of ideas and few means recently cited by the CEO of Epic. Not that we mind a scene like that, of course. We look forward to experiencing and dealing puzzle game that can literally make us dizzy. But put the spotlight on this type of gaming: it may be addictive because designed specifically for 3D viewers, really able to bring the public closer to virtual reality? Today the graphic that carry conviction is pseudo realistic and incidentally the Oculus Rift will cost more than $ 350 just to ensure a yield higher than that of other viewers. Why, then, put the spotlight on a type of game that early adopters, enthusiasts and hardcore gamers will still try to? Of course, talking about a PC from 3000 € for Star Citizen might not otherwise be in one of those things that attract the general public. But it would be advertising, dream, the promise of what’s to come and it is important to push these buttons because the general public understand the real potential of this technology.
Setting Budget
Configuration Gaming
Extra configuration
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Assemble you Hands # 16 –
The entry level configuration is oriented savings but not necessarily said that there is room to upgrade if you present interesting prospects. This week we stay in the area even if 1080p is often necessary to compromise.
In the mid-range typically found those components to embark in gaming PC without fear and hold on for some time. The showdown with the frame rate is around the corner but, with a good foundation, you can always sell the GPU before they depreciate too old to buy a new one in time to face the next blockbuster videogame hardware breaks.
The configuration has thrust a meaning only for those who aim to high resolutions, knowing that luxury often goes hand in hand with rationality. Besides, let’s face it, who does not like to have a good engine under the hood even if there is to respect the speed limit?
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