The culture accessible. A right guaranteed already in the seventies, although until a few years ago it was a pipe dream for the people with disabilities . Today, something has changed. Two inaugurations of museums ad hoc only in recent days, many structures that were fitted. Make a list of Italian museums and to determine the degree of accessibility is a complex undertaking, because you have to take into account the difference between those who go to the museum there in wheelchairs and those who, for example, joined him with his legs but can not see. Yet there is a change taking place. Elected Capital of Culture 2019, Matera was the scene of a meeting on the subject, after which we come to the Manifesto of Matera . Today many projects and organizations working in this direction.
In Trieste the ‘museum accessible’ – The most recent was conducted by Trieste integration Anffas and City of Trieste at the Civic Museum of Natural History of the city. The project ‘Museum accessible’ is inspired by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The facilities managers have realized that the problem was not so much the barrier , since the texts. Those who have difficulty reading and learning always requires the accompaniment of a mediator illustrating and simplifies the content. Thus it was born the challenge of translating the information contained in some of the rooms in a language easy to read. Today the path already includes the most significant findings: the paleontology room with dinosaur Antonio, the room with the evolution of man’s jaw Lonche and room with the giant shark Carlotta.
Genova, multi-sensory journey to the museum technology – The foundation Lucia Guderzo has recently opened the Museum of Italian technology for the visually impaired, hosted aboard the barge ‘ Dialogue in the Dark ‘ of Genoa. It is a multi-sensory journey, in total darkness, with visitors accompanied by blind guides. A journey back in time to retrace the steps of the technological evolution in favor of the disabled. They are exposed typewriters braille, the first computing device to interface with your computer, the videoingranditori a time. All material of the ’70s and’ 80s that comes from Italy, America and several European countries such as Germany and Sweden. A special place is reserved for the ‘ Optacon , the first instrument with a camera and an array of 144 needles, allowing the blind to read with your index finger to press the characters and those manuscripts.
From museums tactile Institute of the Blind in Milan – In these hours the Tactile Museum Omero of Varese is launching a crowdfunding campaign for the construction of certain models tactile wood Castelseprio, to allow everyone to “see” the site UNESCO with your hands. But there are many museums that offer tactile or otherwise reserved for the disabled. The Tactile Museum of ancient and modern painting ‘Anteros’ Bologna collects three-dimensional transpositions with the bas-relief technique prospective paintings of the most representative of the history of art, divided into 5 sections. And yet the Galata Museum of the Sea of Genoa, the Civic Museum of Mantua with eight reliefs prospective and cards room with explanations in three versions (plain black, black and partially sighted Braille), in addition to the three-dimensional model of the House of giants. To Museum of Musical Instruments instead of the Castello Sforzesco is a laboratory designed for the active involvement of people with cognitive disabilities. L ‘ Institute of the Blind of Milan has set up inside the Louis Braille Museum . On display are tools, special machines, printed books for the blind and tiflodidattici materials that testify to the transformation, which took place in the schools of the Institute, the use of visual writing in relief to that in Braille. Also in Milan, the National Science Museum Leonardo da Vinci and De Agostini Foundation carry out the project ‘Scienzabile’ with laboratory activities in which they participate together people with and without disabilities . Much has been made then with the ‘Projects accessible’ of Rebaudengo of Turin which led to the Manifesto of Culture accessible, with which the main institutions of the city have committed to undertake a precise path.
The other museums – More and more facilities – even among those not born ad hoc – thus provide path “ alternative “. Among these, to name some of the most important in Italy, the Italian Gallery in Piazza Scala and Gallery of Modern Art in Milan, in Rome the Capitoline Museums, the Museum of Contemporary Art Macro, Borghese Gallery and Museum Ara Pacis, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rovereto, Royal Palace in Naples, the Museum of Pompeii with a path for the blind and model synesthetic dell’Ercole Infante. And yet Palazzo Grassi and the Correr Museum in Venice, the Civic Museum of Belluno, the National Museum of Cinema in Turin, the historic archaeological civic Museum of Savona with the path ‘Ariadne’, the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bergamo, where are organized on request guided tours in sign language . In Cremona, the Archaeological Museum and the Stradivari Museum, in Mantova the City Museum and the Diocesan Museum Francesco Gonzaga. There are others, but often projects include visits to a select group of people with difficulties. Maybe for the blind, for the deaf or only for children with disabilities. All still go to the accessibility, although small steps.
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