Chili, the Italian anti Netflix raises:” We can be the alternative European “
Stefano Parisi, founder of the independent platform for streaming video, said the ‘ arrival of US giant: “In the market there is room for all, and will challenge the contents. But the far left piracy “
“The arrival of Netflix? It will be good to the whole field of streaming video. It is a market in which there is room for everyone. And we now aim to become global. ” The day of the arrival of the American giant in Italy, home-Chili is a challenge to be met. But Stefano Parisi, founder of the anti-Netflix Italian, raises and shows off all his optimism. “It will be a welcome development. First of all to make known in Italy as the world of cinema and series on demand. In our country, the brake is not the band more or less wide is the fact that new television services are not yet sufficiently known. ”
– All you need to know about Netflix (Dario Marchetti)
– TV series not to be missed (Luke Dondoni)
Founded in 2012 as an offshoot of Fastweb became independent, Chili will close 2015 with 500,000 customers, an Italian turnover of five million euro, more than 5,000 films and TV series in the catalog. “On the smart TV – said Parisi – beside the icon Netflix is ours. The curiosity that is developing around the world is good news. Because ours is a different offer: no subscription, but with the purchase of single movie. In Europe we are the only independent company that makes video on demand, without being tied to a television network or a telecommunications operator. We take care of the whole technological process, encoding videos in 12 different formats, so that they fit on the device and the connection used to see them. ”
If Netflix as we arrived a little ‘later than elsewhere, is not just a matter of infrastructure. There is also a problem of technological literacy incomplete. One that does get into the house Italians smart connected TVs and feature-rich, but still used in the traditional way. “Broadband – Parisi continues – is not in itself the problem: a good broadband is absolutely sufficient for our streaming. But we live in a country where only 52 percent of households have an internet connection home, and this is an important brake. We work to make it even easier access to our services. In 2016 you can do everything with the remote control, without prior registration via the web. ”
The tech world seems to go with giants – Google for searches, Facebook in social networks, etc. – who come to have a near-monopoly in its field. Chili is now available in Austria, Germany, Poland and being tested in the UK and Germany. “That movie on demand – notes Parisi – is a more liquid market. We must not steal customers to Netflix, but convince them to choose to take a movie from us in the third and EUR 99. It’s like changing the channel. The challenge will be on content, and the ability to offer you with the best technology. There is room for European platforms, closer to our culture both in content and mode of consumption. The reach of a mature audience. ”
To bring customers, Chili has long worked in partnership with other companies. Samsung Barilla, until Esselunga or Eni: the idea is to combine streaming movies offered products and services completely different. To open a new world to those who did not know him. “But then the truly great rock is piracy – said Parisi – that almost without equal in Europe. This is also why in Italy the market for video on demand is 30 million and Denmark, with far fewer inhabitants, worth 100. There is talk of 500 million illegal market. It serves to bring it down to the offer legal support. About type a pirate site should find it closed, as new rules the NRA, but also find us directions on where to have a legal offer. And then go narrow window between when a film arrives in theaters and when it is given to us, which is now three months and facilitates piracy. ”
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