Among the player who immediately seized the opportunities of programmatic there is also Group DigiTouch , which after a series of investments in technology and skills is now able to compete with the most Large market realities. He explains everything in detail Paul Mardegan, CEO of Group .
Paul, in your opinion, the Italian market is ready for the programmatic?
Surely it is ready with regard to the technological equipment. But there is a cultural theme of education and transmission of knowledge, especially to the investing companies on the specification, the potential and advantages of programmatic. In our small, we carry out this mission of evangelization illustrating and explaining to customers and prospects this new model of planning and purchase of advertising digital revolutionized the previous logic of media buying and planning, by moving beyond the site targeting approach audience targeting. We hope also IAB Italy, the Politecnico di Milano and the other players of the chain can make a strong contribution in this direction.
Group DigiTouch how you position in this market?
positioning ourselves as Ad-Tech Group, we have technology and innovation our reason for being and we took early on the challenge of programmatic. First through DigiTouch Agency and later thanks to Performedia and E3, the other two agencies Group acquired respectively in August 2014 and July 2015, we increased and strengthened our skills. In effect we are now able to compete with larger international companies in terms of turnover. All three agencies, despite their differences related to their specific nature, are ready to meet the challenge of programmatic.
Information and advertising: what is becoming important to this couple?
It is gaining huge importance. On the one hand the brands want to invest with the confidence to reach their target, other consumers want to receive messages only valuable, relevant to their interests and needs of the moment. Associate with media planning strategy data profiling has become so fundamental and players are gearing up to meet this challenge. Our Group, as well as specialize in planning for programmatic, has developed internally a company, Audiens, who created the first technology platform management and data profiling Telco for their exploitation for advertising purposes.
We come to the cabinet by the programmatic may contribute to the development of Advaita on new devices?
We think yes. This is because from the technological point of view there are no diversity. And although considering the remit the case has still a step back in programmatic, we believe that this gap will be reduced soon.
Finally: what’s new in your bidding the programmatic?
We have several new features in the pipeline which will give short news and affecting different realities of our group: both mobile solution providers DigiMob, that the mobile DMP Audiens that our three agencies. Keep in touch!
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