Al-J College Vinovo form players of tomorrow
The study Juventus talent on and off the sports field to get also a cultural background suitable
The entrance to the J-College in Vinovo, high school sports with over 100 students
Combining football commitments with those school is not always simple . In order to facilitate the daily lives of its young talent, in 2012 the Juventus created in Vinovo the J-College , high school sports today where they study more than a hundred of the young category the national Spring. A project in collaboration with the Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli and developed over the past two years with the support of the International School of Europe that is used to train aspiring players off the court , using technological tools such as tablet, ebook reader and notebook, thereby making it even more interactive and less tedious hours to pass between the desks.
The school-football is all-round and is reflected by the fact that the class councils also participate in the technical teams of the Juventus youth sector, to maintain a constant dialogue with professors and avoid the problems that affect many other Italian institutions , where the student athlete is accused a priori as a person who has no interest in ‘ teaching and often is marginalized from the rest of the class and frowned upon by teachers due to his frequent absences to participate in training and matches. Juventus’s mission is to ensure that the skill on the football field is supported by an adequate cultural background and that neither aspect is overshadowed.
The most recent is that at the end of the current school year , officially started last September 14, J -College will host for the first time at our school matriculation exams , which will involve the Primavera boys enrolled in the final year of high school.
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// Management of the box past articles in opening
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// Management related articles
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// ———————————————— -
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if (numArticoli
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