TRIESTE. In Trieste, for radiology of Cattinara , there are resources for a magnetic resonance imaging of the latest generation. To hospital of Udine to the linear accelerator . Machinery for over 2 million euro each. But, in the allotment from 18800000 approved by the regional government for investment in health, there is no place for 36 interventions between plant system upgrades, replacement vehicles, equipment and computer equipment . To benefit from all institutions of the renewed health architecture of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Trend photographed by budget 2014. Access hospital wards down 4%. Down 7.4% for the exams in private
The government has completed an operation launched in late August with an initial distribution of 2,950,000 € companies 500 thousand euro to Aou Trieste and Udine and AAS 2 Lower Friuli-Isontina and 5 West Friuli , 300 thousand euro to the AAS 3 Alto Friuli and 4 Friuli Central , 150 thousand euro to Burlo and 100 thousand euro to the AAS Triestina 1 and Cro . Distribution, reads the resolution, defined according to the assets of each entity and needs represented.
Now comes a second delivery, much more substantial, more 18,850,000 € designed to cover the investment plan in 2015 of the Regional Health Service, as well as by budget balancing summer that earmarks total 21800000 for priority interventions for major technologies, primarily those used in oncology, modernization of technological equipment of the areas of intensive care, emergency and emergency operating rooms and finally the reorganization of service centers Primary and, within them, the activities of general practitioners.
The Region, despite a 2% decline, still complains about the excessive use of public analysis and outpatient visits
In detail, the junta has divided the bulk of the “treasure” of Hospital of Udine ( 5,000,000 ), Aou Trieste ( 4,295,000 ), Aas 2 ( 2,697,000 ), AAS 5 (2,582,000 ), AAS 3 ( 1,779,000 ), AAS 4 ( 802mila euro ), AAS 1 ( 779 500 € ), Burlo ( 550 thousand euro ) and Egas ( 365 thousand euro ). The fee, precise the Department of Health Maria Sandra Telesca , “has been allocated to the Company taking into account the needs previously expressed and that determination in the lines of management in 2015.”
As for equipment, account was taken of the need to replace the ‘ linear accelerator all’ Hospital of Udine for cancer care (the region contributes to 2,450,000 EUR) , the request for a MRI 3Tesla Cattinara (in this case, with an investment of 2.2 million, it aims to test more accurate, faster and less invasive oncology) and the urgency of providing Latisana a MRI 1,5Tesla (550 thousand euro).
Recalled that the Cro Aviano has the ability to use the profits of the previous financial year, the junta announced the attached document with all other interventions. In territorial Trieste get 477 500 € for upgrading of plants and acquisitions movable and technology , 227 thousand euro for reorganization of service centers and 75 thousand euro for renewal 118 vehicles .
The Region FVG launched the emergency plan that enhances the “118″. Among the new 10% means more armored and response times
The more entries Aas 2 : In addition to the Romans, the council allocates 1,610,000 € for systems and new technologies, 227 thousand euro for assistance, 225mila euro for ambulances, 85 thousand euro for ventilation and anesthesia equipment.
All ‘ Aou Trieste , Rm apart, are also on the agenda of the one million euro for the rehabilitation of the’ Ospedale Maggiore , 780mila euro Instrument for pulmonary ventilation, anesthesia and monitoring, the 170 thousand euro for hemodialysis and 145 thousand euro for gastroenterology. Well i 550 thousand euro for the Burlo affect plant and technological assets, while all ‘ Egas are designed 350 thousand euro to equip the plant only the 118 and 15 thousand euro for the computer.
The Santa Maria della Misericordia, Udine , finally leading to the house, with the money to the accelerator, also 1,950,000 € for the plant, 450 thousand € for the expansion of “stroke unit” and 150 thousand euro for regulatory compliance of fire prevention.
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