Notes scattered from the eve of the inauguration of Expo: ten searches; a den cold and empty; an arrest; loaded with relief against a group of anarchists infiltrated the march No Expo students; written, spray and broken windows; the expulsion of the three Germans found yesterday with mace, gas masks and rags and bottles useful for making Molotov cocktails. Three other Germans were stopped a van with the windows shielded: they had cans with stinging and it is likely that Milan did not want to do just a walk.
The intelligence and Interpol are clear: “Two or three thousand people who arrived in recent days Milan are ready to burn.” Generally attributed to those two little words-black bloc. In Genoa, fourteen years ago, it took only a lot less.
While the red carpet in Armani, the Scala and Piazza del Duomo are full of excellence of Made in Italy in all its forms, fashion, cinema, music, sports with a touch of Hollywood, Oscar winners and stars like Bocelli and Tina Turner to inaugurate Expo, a security system for impressive numbers and technology continue other work, parallel to that of the International exposure: make wire smoothly. Starting from now. And at least for the next six months.
An effort already begun in these “Five Days of Milan” that mixing May Day, denied rights and Expo has become a very rich dish for the opposing forces and anarchist Italian and European. “Here we go on day after day,” said the cabinet of the police headquarters in Milan where the commissioner Luigi Savina is, along with the prefect, the top of a chain of command that handles 4,600 men (including army) and a strong high-tech operations room, to example, five thousand cameras to protect sites and goals.
Police Chief Alessandro Pansa makes it clear, and not only does it now, the way things are: “The fears are many because Expo is a world stage and great for those looking for fame or for worse.” “Happy” on a double level, that of internal security and the front of the jihadist threat. Needless to say that many, all those who are in the age, can not fail to observe that the national and international context is very similar to that of fourteen years ago, in July 2001, the day of the G8 summit in Genoa.
The safety of Milan is completely different. There are red zones artificial armored with metal nets three meters high and a half and Expo pavilions are naturally isolated 12 km from the city center. The commissioner Savina is focusing on “dialogue” with the organizers of groups and acronyms that have organized the “Five Days” (this there was also a Gonova) including the procession “No Expo”, tomorrow, considered the appointment more risk.
But the commissioner tip even more on prevention (sadly lacking in Genoa). Police, Carabinieri, Finance Police, perform every day raids at addresses targeted, and so far all right, to defuse possible outbreaks of urban warfare. Wednesday were sieved public housing occupied by antagonistic groups to Giambellino. Today controls are clicked in via Ambrogio de Predis, in via Mac Mahon, in via Bramantino inside the community center The Madragola. A girl would have gotten their hands on an officer and was arrested. A group of anarchists came to the rescue, and there was some tension. “We have sought dialogue with all the souls of the event – says an official of the Digos of Milan – the problem is a hard core of 10 percent (about 20-30 thousand expected, ed) with which there is no possibility of dialogue “. It is subject mostly foreigners arrived in northern Italy in recent days, especially from France, Germany, Greece and Spain. The novelty of this international black bloc would be the presence of young Bosnians and east.
Police and the prefecture have decided to change the route of the procession of the morning. In Milan are well-marked red 490 goals (net of the Expo) and you can slide the march away from the old town “going from via De Amicis and via Carducci and ends in Piazza Cadorna”. Protest organizers (Cobas and Cub) that speak of “war scenarios exist” and ensure that their will be a “peaceful march in solidarity with the workers of La Scala blackmailed for Turandot and to the thousands of workers who will be forced to the May Day work in defiance of rules and judgments. ”
Reclamation and searches will continue tonight. “We will be very hard against those who seek confrontation to guarantee the right to demonstrate legally” it is the promise of the Interior Minister Angelino Alfano. It always says that. A few hours and start, it all together: parade, May Day, Expo. In the presence of the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. In fact, an exceptional showcase.