WhatsApp changes so privacy will give our numbers (and all data) to Facebook?
IMG: var/marieclaire/storage/images/lifestyle/novita-tecnologiche/whatsapp-privacy-facebook-dati/25296502-1-ita-IT/WhatsApp-cambia-la-privacy-quindi-dara-il-nostro-numero-a-Facebook_image_ini_620x465_downonly.jpg
TIT: WhatsApp changes then give privacy & agrave; our numbers (and all data) to Facebook?
DESC: How to prevent data sharing between WhatsApp and Facebook? Perhaps the trick (no) c ‘& egrave ;. ->
Nothing is free, especially nothing stays free forever. It is of these hours the news that WhatsApp is changing its policies and asking users to accept them. The novelty is that, after being bought for $ 19 billion in 2014 from Facebook and not be changed, Facebook has decided to start cashing some money even from that billion users who WhatsApp.
Severo but fair.
In particular accepting the new terms WhatsApp will start to share information with Facebook, so you can ensure more targeted advertising, in the same Facebook, WhatsApp will not arrive advertising, please.
of course, Facebook is not will spy your conversations, photos ecc..perché WhatsApp encrypting your user-user data makes it technically impossible. However, WhatsApp will associate your identity with that of WhatsApp Facebook, will share lists of friends, your contacts and your phone number, not in the sense that it will give all or will make public these data, however, will profilarvi much much better to be able to targettizzare best in advertising and data collection. It’s a big change because it means that two companies share sensitive data of its users.
Ok, but there is a way to prevent it? The answer is nì.
Facebook gives you the option to prevent this sharing not accepting the sharing of their data for advertising purposes, just turn off the switch that appears during the acceptance of the new policy so:
If you have accepted, no fear, you have 30 days to think about it, just go to account settings and remove the flag from “share account info” as explained here.
in so doing, however, even those who no advertising, can not prevent the sharing of technical information between the two companies: namely, for example, the access habits, the use made of it and other less invasive details.
It would have been nice that Facebook had put a function pay a tot to keep everything as it is, but unfortunately if you really do not want to give any data to Facebook you just need to delete WhatsApp and use other applications messaging that at the moment are less invasive to privacy as Telegram or Signal level.
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