Monday, August 8, 2016

Poles of Piedmont innovation: from Region 50 million for … – Novara Today

After the redefinition of areas of specialization (become seven) and the identification of new subjects operators, the region offers to tender 50 million available to the participating companies at the poles of Piedmont Innovation .

the regional Council, on the proposal of productive Activities Giuseppina De Santis, has approved in recent days fit for support of collaborative projects of research and innovation in the following seven technology areas : ict, smart products & amp; manufacturing, green chemistry, agrifood, energy & amp; clean technologies, textile, life sciences. The action aims to increase innovation activity of enterprises through the promotion of investment, the increased collaboration of the industrial system with the research centers, enhancing technology transfer and stimulating demand.

Two the important innovations of the new call for member companies (or who will be joining) the poles of innovation. The first is the focus on those projects that meet the needs of innovation of enterprises have to resort to one or more ‘research commissions entrusted to research organizations, public or private (for a minimum percentage of the total project cost is at least 20 percent). The other innovative aspect is that they request, to the operators of the poles, to define previously banned a research agenda based on the needs of innovation and on potential projects already found inside the pole, so that the role of the region is to facilitate paths actually oriented to the competitiveness of member companies in Poli feature an advanced level of technological maturity and market-oriented.

“Recently the European Commission – said the commissioner Giuseppina De Santis – showed the ability innovation of the Piedmontese SMEs, which were based on ‘Regional innovation Scoreboad’ best of Italy along with those of Friuli. at the same time, however, there is the need for greater collaboration with research organizations, a gap that this call aims to fill. the hope is that the poles are able to aggregate the needs of companies and organize them in planning agendas, structuring actual paths on the basis of technology transfer from the producers of knowledge, ie research centers, to outright manufacturers . “

the investment projects may not be less than EUR 300 thousand (in the case of sun SMEs participation) and 600 thousand euro (when there are large companies) . They will be attended by outside the region within the limit of 15% of expenses. The form of aid is a contribution to expenditure to an extent dependent on the size of enterprise. Those managers of the poles, on the basis of the recent announcement, are: Fondazione Torino Wireless for the pole “ICT”, Center Services Industries Ltd. for the pole “Smart products and manifacturing” (MESAP), Pst-Spa-Consortium Proplast Consortium Ibis ( in ats) for the pole “green chemistry and advanced materials”, MIAC Spa for the pole “Agrifood”, Environment Park-Consortium UN.I.VER (in ats) for the pole “Energy & amp; Clean Technologies”, Biella Spa City Studies for the pole “Textile” (POINTEX) and Bioindustry Silvano Fumero Spa for the “Life Sciences” pole (bioPmed).


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