UDINE. Almost half of the artisans of the province of Udine (47.6%) are using Facebook. The notes of Confartigianato Companies Udine office explaining that the data is in line with that of the entire Friulian population.
So a growing phenomenon and that arouses the interest of companies are increasing to the point that the courses that Confartigianato Udine Company organizes: In addition to courses already organized for hairdressers and for the food sector in October it one for the sector will be initiated in the wood.
“Users – says the head of Nicholas Serious Studies – are equitably shared between those who use it in their personal capacity (24.2%) and those who exploits (or even only) as a marketing tool for the business itself ( 23.4%). The use of this social network increases with the degree of education and touches the highest levels among the graduates (61.5%) and university graduates (65%). It decreases with age: it is highest among under 35 entrepreneurs where they use two out of three (65.4%), falls but remains greater than 50% up to 54 years (53.4%), while there is a significant step for the older age classes up to the quota of one in three (32.5%) among those over 64 “.
Interesting to note, however, the older you are the ones who use it more for business purposes, a sign that, when it comes to business, even “over” artisans do not give up keep abreast of technological innovations.
Very significant is the difference by sex: in the use of Facebook entrepreneurs (60.4%) exceeds male counterparts (44.9%) by over 15 percentage points and the same percentage is maintained for use with business purposes ( 35.8% for females, 20.7% for males).
This prevalence of women is also linked to a greater presence in the most advantaged by Web 2.0 areas: the use as a marketing tool is greatest in personal services (40%, hairdressers, beauticians etc.) And repairs (37.2%) , down 10 points in manufacturing (27.4%) and touching the lowest among plant engineers (8.9%) and transport (8%).
In relation to the usefulness of Facebook as a business tool, 60% of entrepreneurs said that they would judging it very or quite effective.
The satisfied percentages are higher in the same areas where the social network is more widespread: the judgments of “very or fairly effective ‘more than 50% in personal services (72.7% and 31.8% very satisfied ), repairs (62.5%) and in manufacturing (55.8%). Among the least satisfied installers (43.8%) and, a little ‘surprise, the entrepreneurs in business services (42.9%).
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