Focusing on highly profitable crops, including niche.
Take advantage of new technologies and to prepare a careful economic management, ensuring in particular the relationship with the banks. Create a strong agreement among farmers, universities and financial institutions and develop business networks. From these ingredients can come out a recipe to revive agriculture in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Italy and this was discussed during the first meeting of the sixth edition of “Economics under the umbrella” in Lignano Sabbiadoro. Among the speakers Carlo Antonio Feruglio, director of the BCC Federation of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Professor Alessandro Peressotti of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Udine and the entrepreneur Marco Tam, president of Greenway Group.
” the system of the BCC of the Friuli Venezia Giulia from 2010 to 2015, despite the crisis, has increased its lending in favor of companies in the agricultural sector by 54 million euro, passing from 336 million to 390 million euro (+26, 5%), an increase of about 4-5% per year ”, explained Carlo Antonio Feruglio. ” The growth in lending – said – shows that agriculture is a sector with attractive prospects and at which banks look carefully even for the low level of non-performing loans (5.2%). What matters, however, is that companies are able to present themselves to the banks with innovative ideas, business plans well made and well written budgets ”.
On the changes taking place in the agricultural world has focused the intervention of Professor Peressotti: ” Today about 90% of the farms of Fvg think with logic ‘industrial’ and then look for the way to maximize your income, 8% are, however, small businesses that rely on bio and sustainability, They are selling their own products and have the interest not only to produce, but to reclaim the territory. 2%, finally, practice a new type of agriculture, still little known, which is developing in the city thanks to the urban gardens or crops on the terraces which is made by people who want to produce what we consume ”.
a further problem of the agricultural world marked by Peressotti is the unwillingness of agricultural students doing the entrepreneur: ” a low percentage of students in agricultural courses – claimed the professor of Disa Udine -aspira to become farmer in person, less than other countries such as United States, Britain and Germany. The most points to an employee. It must be said – he concluded – that often the children who are formed in our universities end up going abroad because they find more attractive working conditions and remuneration. “
Marco Tam, the owner of Greenway Group which owns two plants producing biogas in Bertiolo and San Daniele del Friuli, as well as extensive agricultural business owner, he stressed the great technological changes taking place in agriculture. “Drones that guard the crops, control of fields from remote, robotic machines that can replace at least part of the human driving tractors and many other novelties – explained -aiuteranno both traditional and extensive agriculture, both the niche is the biological .
it decreases and becomes much more precise use of both fertilizers, both natural contrast agents to diseases and pests of plants ”.
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