Meeting with Lucio Rossi at the Meeting in Rimini, where he is to take action in space WHAT ?, the initiative to Euresis and Ceur Foundation that puts the person theme-technology relationship is inevitable talk about what’s going on at CERN, the LHC accelerator experiments. Lucio Rossi is a physical and was one of the main architects of the throttle technological performance that has led to the discovery of the Higgs boson; now is project leader of the next step, the High Luminosity LHC.
It was a false alarm or abnormal signal captured recently by researchers at the LHC brings something new?
we can not say that there are novelties. The signal last year stronger eras; because at Cern are truly in the realm of indirect knowledge, being very indirect it requires a lot of effort, a lot of data, and increasing the data we noticed that the signal has not grown in proportion, indeed it decreased. So it’s probably a false alarm, but since it is not completely gone, as they say in English, stay tuned. As we said in December there was a little hope, we speak of a certainty than 3 sigma: means 99% certainty, which in physics is very little, it would take 5.
How to react to scientists face of these uncertainties or lack of discoveries?
I would not call it “non-disclosure.” For sure you have to go a long way, it is almost never a sudden shock; we think to hunt the Higgs Boson that has lasted 40 years. We were hoping that this was the first sign of dark matter, but we must face the reality, we are not the masters of what we study, we have to deal with it, we can not invent it; must address these findings with great humility.
scientific community speaking we approach the theme of this meeting: what experience do at CERN in collaboration relationship with diversity, coexistence of ideas and approaches different?
It is a beautiful experience. Many have only the image of the scientist in his lab you imagine something, sometimes it happens, but in reality the science almost always goes on because it is the fruit of the work of a community. always compare the community of those who build the accelerators to the community that built the great cathedrals, in fact now the times are these, projects last at least 15 years if not 40. These results require a joint effort, and the “you’re good for me “we find, in my case, the collaboration between theoretical physicists, experimental and technological like myself. Everyone can learn from the other, provided you remember about us: the test must remain experimental, theoretical must remain theoretical. Only then this can become a real professional gain, a real gain; listen to others should not be doing good. It is not only a question of solidarity. Who knows how to listen, to the long, has an advantage.
More specifically her experience: you familiarly called the LHC accelerator with the term “machine.” What it means to technology in a place like CERN?
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