Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Farewell to the national labor contract in 2016? That’s who we … – The Express

Farewell to the national contract Work in 2016? That's who benefits and who loses

Are you ready to say goodbye to the national labor contract? This is precisely the scenario with which Italians could find themselves coming to terms in this 2016. Beyond the caution with which such a sensitive subject is dealt with, it can be inferred even from a phrase Thursday, January 21 by the Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti , the process that the government has started to reform the contracts: “We have to leave the party room for a comparison. If we were to take note that they are not in a position to decide, we will do our considerations. ” Words that seem to trust, except that a few days before the ‘Parties’ evoked by Poletti, namely industrial and trade unions, had almost slapped.

On January 14, in fact, the highest levels of CGIL , Cisl and Uil had met in Rome, after years of fighting, to put his signature under a unified proposal for reform of collective bargaining. A Giorgio Squinzi, president of Confindustria, however, are enough 32 minutes from the start of the meeting to close the gate: “Their proposal is already outdated,” he said, branding as “a faded photo» recipes unions. “Perhaps he looked in the mirror,” she replied the hard-nosed leader of the UIL, Carmelo Barbagallo. And Susanna Camusso, CGIL number one: “Who says” you are old “afraid of innovation.”


Recently dell’Anpal president, government consultant Tenzi, professor at Bocconi has clear ideas about the possibility of getting rid of national contracts, “Thus it enhances the self-employment”

 A hot climate, therefore, that could open the way for a reform imposed from above, ie by the Government Matteo Renzi. Which he has already mapped out a path able to start the revolution. The first move would be to introduce a legal minimum wage , that is, the minimum wage – Italy is one of the few European countries not to have it – in areas that are not regulated by a national contract.

The measure has already been prepared in one of the powers of the Jobs Act , not yet approved. The unions consider it like a fire which can ignite the whole world of work, because it might open in a widening of the minimum wage at all, emptying the national agreements on wages of each comparison. And moving the real content of the negotiation agreements second level, to be treated at the company or territorial.

A scenario that, in fact, would mark the end of the mythical “contrattoni” with which Italy has moved so far. And that would all face the risk that the minimum wage is lower than the levels specified in the contracts, if employers and unions do not, or will not come to an agreement on a system that awards very substantially the increases productivity , true ultimate objective of bargaining. Just to give an idea, just look at Germany: the minimum wage introduced it in 2015, and amounted to 8.5 euro per hour, compared to EUR 13.5 expected today – for example – the metalworkers’ Italian.

It is therefore expected that the reform, if the government decides to pursue it in those terms, it will unleash a wave of protests. Turning our attention to what is happening in the world of work, however, it would be good that government, employers and trade unions were trying to figure out which model, the contract or the national minimum wage, respond better to the challenges that Italy is already experiencing today, and that will become increasingly pressing in just a handful of years.


Il player can get an idea by looking at the graphs shown here. Show that many traditional crafts will suffer a real shove from the process of technological innovation that is changing the economy . And that many people are likely to lose in the short way. Even recent estimates of the Bruegel research center said that more than 50 percent of the jobs could be at risk because of the automation processes in European countries , including Italy.

Forecasts as these, he wrote the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, in the book “the times they are changing,” “should be taken with great caution, given the obvious difficulty of attributing percentages of risk in work whose content can profoundly changing thanks to technology. ” According to Visco, also, “the loss of certain jobs will match the Birth of new, with a net all be determined. ‘ A transition process that should be emphasized, can create opportunities but, meanwhile, is likely to create tens of thousands of newly unemployed.


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 The world of commerce, caught in the trap of consumption crisis and the boom of online sales, shows how the changes could affect not only those who work on the lost, but also about who has managed so far to save it. In recent months the multinational Ikea, Auchan, Carrefour, Metro, demanded the cancellation of the contract to the second level, having already played for two years the national one. “The technological processes are transforming the industry and time we know that the hypermarket format is declining. Auchan, for example, has a state of full-blown crisis, yet does not abandon its distribution model. Are actually struggling to interact with innovation and the danger is that, if they do not react, are swept away, “says Fabrizio Russo, general secretary of the CGIL Filcams.


Al outside the more traditional companies, however, innovation can offer development opportunities to be seized all. Maurizio Costabeber, 51, two weeks ago opened its new factory in Vicenza of its DWS Systems, which manufactures 3D printers also very small in size, can produce the most diverse objects in 50 different materials. Customers are dental laboratories, jewelery, designer, or anyone in need of prototypes or plastic objects. The feature of DWS is to realize all, the device, the software, the ink and the device for laser cutting of materials. For now has 35 employees and has a turnover of just over 5 million, but the outlook for the immediate future estimate strong growth in turnover, to the point that Costabeber is looking for another 8 employees and aims to get to 100 in two years. How would he work contracts? “To make a revolution like ours, people need revolutionary. For a hi-tech dynamics of the contracts, the eight working hours, are questions that sound like very old, “he says.

If getting by is an art valid always and even more today, where there are people who eke out a living by renting the apartment on fee or driving the car for Uber, the government has, however, the responsibility to provide answers to crucial sectors for the Italian industry, whose survival is based on exports.

The digital revolution has such a scale “that if we will not be able to manage this change, we will meet soon with intelligent factories without workers and union-free,” he says Mark Bentivogli National Secretary of the FIM, as they call the CISL metalworkers. Bentivogli estimated that the Fiat Pomigliano , where it assembles the Panda, twenty years ago served ten people to perform the tasks of a single officer of today: “A skilled worker only ruled for 14 remote robot involved in the welding of car bodies. It is about the “world class manufacturing”, the model of robotics and efficiency adopted in factories Fiat, which has helped to bring Italy in a delocalized production in Poland, “says Bentivogli.

There’s a side dramatic in this analysis, and the fact that the whole industry may see growth in their productivity without creating new jobs, or even by cutting . But there is a side that is some hope, if the government, employers and unions will favor him. “The jobs will not be lost, will be transformed, as is happening here,” says Andrea Biraghi, director of systems for the safety of the group Finmeccanica. “From reality mainly manufacturing,” explains Biraghi, “Finmeccanica has become more and more in a high-tech, investing in new fields that require a high number of staff with specific skills. The cyber security division, for example, went from 30 units in 2010 to over a thousand, and we expect further growth. “


Bentivoglio, from his observation post of leader of the Fim-Cisl, believes that phenomena like these effects will produce more and more important: “We will see a dramatic increase in the skills demanded by employers, who will have a more important role, will become big data analysts, designers, responsible for setting of intelligent machines, “he says.

The model, in his opinion, should be Germany, because the increase in productivity and reduction in production costs could bring back to Italy the factories migrated abroad, “Merkel is estimated that 400,000 jobs could go back through what is called” industry 4.0. ‘” However, warns Bentivogli, “this will happen only in the countries that will train people and enabling them to cope with the changes.” And the contract? The union leader says he does not despise novelty: “With businesses should discuss the competency gaps of our workers. And we need to talk to smart-working, that the General Motors Powertrain in Turin already use. Eight hours is no longer a measure of credible job, because everything an employee does at home, thanks to smartphones, is not paid. “

” To decentralize the bargaining is for those companies that have not nailed muscular legs enough to go on their own. Bring attention to the enterprise level, encourage worker participation in boardrooms and the birth of listening groups between managers and employees, establish a collaborative logic is a path that we are required from Europe just to catch the change that is taking place in factories, especially engineering, “he says the economist Charles Dell’Aringa, today deputy of the Democratic Party. Dell’Aringa even sees positively the loss of appeal of bargaining at the national level, if it manages to establish itself at the local level: “But be careful, because participation in the companies, in Germany, is not a clash between unions and companies. What is needed is a collaborative relationship between the parties: everyone must put their own and play cards. You passed the season of the comparison between bargaining power, serves a summary. “

Training, productivity, welfare: the challenges of the government Renzi, if you would really boost the Italian economy, are therefore numerous, without considering boulders that weigh more, taxes are too high bureaucracy impossible. But there is another issue that concerns closely industry and trade unions: their level of ambition.

The claims frankly Giordano Torresi, 41, owner of Manuelita, a company with 65 employees in Grottazzolina, Marche, produces shoes for leading brands in the fashion world. He worked for Armani, Versace, Giambattista Valli, Cesare Paciotti and is the only manufacturer of footwear fashion house Azzedine Alaïa. “Statistics say that Italy is the third largest exporter in the world of shoes. Well, I wonder why we can not aim to become the first, “says Torresi. The entrepreneur in recent years has worked to adopt a new robotic production line which today allows it to achieve 300 pairs of shoes per day with nine people, whereas before he would stop at 250 with twelve people. “We’re talking about very high quality shoes, where we choose to do such work steps by hand and which, instead, to entrust to the machine, which can treat points where the fingers of a worker do not come. But the numbers, for shoes less complex than ours, are even more interesting and allow an Italian company to have competitive costs with China, “says Torresi.

The reorganization had two effects. The first is that Torresi began designing technologies to third parties, opening a new engineering division. The second is that the workers removed the manual labor have been trained to perform more complex tasks. “We have also hired a recent graduate in Industrial Design at the University of Camerino, taken the day after he finished his studies, to work on the 3D models. There would need three more but do not find them, “he says. He adds that in Germany, where the ‘ Adidas has reported productions from abroad, the issue of forming the technical industry serve as the bread if you are placed at the highest level: the answer was the Fraunhofer Institute, which with its 23,800 employees is dedicated to fostering technological innovation industry and the training of qualified personnel. Explain Torresi, which in July will launch a brand of his own: “But we had to do everything ourselves. But wants to put the charm of the shoes made in Italy? “.


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