Sunday, July 5, 2015

It is closing ranks around the books’ Investments on the library “- The Arena

An armored budget, the forecast fired Friday by the city council of Villafranca. It is an exercise in Need of state cuts, but that, while passing through the increase of the additional personal income tax, increasing support for the social sector and households, maintains contributions to private schools and deals with the effects of costly emptying Province, between obligation to take over employees (Villafranca will absorb five) and bear charges for services provided by the top first. As the provincial interlibrary system that the City will support with € 5,500 of 6,800 allocated for the library. It is a new item of expenditure, which decreases the ability to purchase new books, but saves the network management with the territory. Even the interlibrary system, without funding following the decree of the minister Del Rio, fell on the rump of municipalities that have accepted the proposal of the Province to take charge of part of the costs of the service set up in 2004: a technological infrastructure that brings Network 70 libraries, 150 000 users to 9 million loans. The community, local and interlibrary loan guarantees, the consultation of the catalog, the coordination of new purchases and assistance in real time. “Of the 6,800 euro, 5,500 are destined for inter-system”, he explains on the sidelines of the council Councillor Maria Cordioli culture. “The remaining sum will be used to purchase books, a chapter which could be replenished during the year with budget changes, as happened previously. If we do not adhere to the system we can buy all the books we want, but the recording and then the loan can not be managed “.In the past the municipality invested in the purchase of books up to eight thousand euro, a figure abbassatasi hand in hand with the economic difficulties of local budgets (at approximately three thousand euro in 2014). It would take thirty thousand. These days, the library has received a first check of 600 Euros that will be used to buy about thirty books, including new releases. In trouble, then, but you try to row against the trend: it is these days the news that in Venice the City cut on public libraries laying off 17 people. And an outcry around the structure of the square Villafranchetta, with a collection of books of more than 25 thousand volumes, with 4,700 members (122 new in the last six months) and about 14 thousand loans a year (this year slightly down), is It came also from the entire council Friday. Roveroni Isabella and Matteo Melotti (who sit for the Democratic Party in the pews of the minority) have proposed an amendment to increase the contribution to the library up to 30 thousand euro drawing kick for fairs, markets and services. “The library is not only a study room, you have to buy new books, otherwise drop the users,” said Roveroni. The amendment was rejected: Chapter Fairs is funded regional bound to that end in the budget and there is no other denaro.Tuttavia also the majority are oriented to the strengthening of the local library, which now has a beautiful home, populated by students who contribute, with the opening evening, for the proper functioning. “It is not enough to invest in books,” responded to Roveroni Councillor Marco Dall’Oca list Villafranca you. “But even in the conference, calling people of caliber and guaranteeing at least the trip. You must also make a quantum leap leaving the voluntary cultural and hobby to reach out to many young locals who have a certified professional in the cultural field. Finally, restart the reading center of Dossobuono. ” COPYRIGHT

Maria Vittoria Adami


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