A green light disputed between cartels and opposition protests. The Chamber of Deputies voted in favor of the bill to reform the school. The text is now law in all respects. The school reform bill was approved courtroom room with 277 yes, 173 no and 4 abstentions. They voted for the Democratic Party, Ap, Sc. There are four “verdiniani” who voted contrary to the rest of the group of Forza Italy. The 4 blue, near the Tuscan Senator Denis Verdini, who gave their vote in favor of the bill The Good School, I Alessandro, Faenzi, Parisi and Mottola. D’Alessandro holds, however, to point out: “It is absolutely not a political vote, has nothing to do with the internal dissensions in Forza Italy, but it is a personal position. I have voted with conviction for the reform, ’cause I think that if’ we had made the left would climb the barricades and we would celebrate with the carousels in the street “.
Fourteen deputies of Left dem , led by Gianni Cuperlo, did not attend the vote. “Do not we heard of the vote the ‘good school’,” he explained in a statement. During the explanations of vote, the League has protested in court against the so-called gender norm.
Members of the Northern League have shown signs of ‘June’ hands by children “, to protest against the standard of education generally. Despite requests Roberto Giachetti, president, to restore calm in the hemicycle, the League continued protest and Giachetti expelled the leader Massimiliano Fedriga and suspended for a few minutes of the session.
Protests also by banks Sel : “Oxi to good school Renzi” are signs in white and blue, the colors of the Greek flag, which were brought by the deputies of the left and Liberta ‘on banks Deputies and the Chamber of Deputies ended the examination of the bill. Sel announced his opposition to the bill.
Renzi: “One hundred thousand assumptions”. “A hundred thousand assumptions, more about, more autonomy. #labuonascuola Is the law,” wrote Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Twitter
The reform of the school system
Assumptions. Three billion more a year for the chapter education, the extraordinary assumption of more than 100 thousand temporary teachers, the strengthening of subjects such as art, music, language and motor disciplines, principals who can choose from special territories teachers with the curriculum “better suited to achieve the educational project of their school” are some of the innovations introduced “The Good School”, has now become law after 10 months of consultations, the protests of all kinds and amendments made by Parliament. The main objective of the reform is put in the middle school autonomy giving financial instruments and operating executives to be able to realize. The schools will have more economic resources is doubled their fund operation. But also more human resource: each institution will have an average of 7 teachers in more ‘to carry out their projects and for the enrichment of the training. The competitions for teachers again becoming bandits regularly: the first will be ‘announced by December 1st. For students and ‘it provided an education more’ rich that looks to tradition (Music and Art), but also to those that are now basic tools, such as languages, digital competence, the economy.
Change the training offer. The school will enable electives to better meet the educational needs of children. The school-work is scheduled to last three years, all of the high schools, including high schools, and you can play abroad and in cultural institutions. With an ad hoc financing, it will set up a National Plan for the digital school, with resources for teaching and teacher training. There will then be the plan of the training, document that describes the cultural and planning of each institution. Continues the state’s investment on school, with funds for maintenance, but also for building innovative structures. Schools, from now on, will indicate to the State the need for teachers and tools to carry out their educational project. I will go through the plans the educational offer (POF) that become three years. Plans will be drawn up by the teachers, based on the guidelines defined by the head teacher, before being approved by the District Council of the Institute which are also represented the families and, in high school, students. Is doubled the Fund functioning of schools passing from 111 million today to more than 200, with a budget of 126 million more ‘a year.
Alternation school work. At least 400 hours in the last three years of technical and professional and 200 in the high school and become structural thanks to a budget of 100 million a year. The work will take place in the company, but also in government agencies, museums, and can be done even in summer and abroad. Will include a Charter of rights and duties of students in alternation.
Card teachers. Here comes the Electronic paper for the development and training of teachers’, basically a voucher of 500 euro per year to be used for professional development through the purchase of books, texts , digital tools, course registration, entrance to exhibitions and cultural events. In-service training also becomes compulsory and is financed for the first time with a structural budget: EUR 40 million a year.
Enhancement teachers. will set up a fund of 200 million a year for the promotion of merit of the teaching staff.
Schools and building . The law requires a notice (the 300 million available) for the construction of schools highly innovative in terms of architecture, systems, technology. The Observatory for school construction, set up at the Ministry of Education, will coordinate strategies and resources for action and promote a culture of safety. And ‘plans to invest 200 million more for subsidized loans for the construction and renovation of schools.
School bonus. Who will make donations to schools for the construction of new buildings, for maintenance, for the promotion of projects dedicated to the employability of the students, will have a tax benefit (tax credit to 65 %) in the tax returns. A maximum limit of EUR 100 thousand for donations.
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