Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The photograph of the work in 2014 shows more women and welfare but … – Varese News

generic labor

labor market Lombard 2014 has been an outstanding year, waiting. There were also positive signs, particularly among medium and high tech companies, in addition to the confirmation of some peculiarities all of Lombardy. In particular, it confirms the high rate of “feminization”, a slight decrease in permanent contracts, and the great attention of businesses to corporate welfare programs.


Work in Lombardy Report 2015 4 of 4

Signals then contrasting those that emerged from ‘ Survey’ Work in Lombardy – Report 2015 ‘made by Study Centre of Confindustria Lombardia , in collaboration with the ‘ University Cattaneo – LIUC , a sample of 1,430 companies represents all the provinces.

“How emerges from our regional monitoring – says Alberto Ribolla , President of Confindustria Lombardia – in 2014 between our companies has returned confidence and cautious optimism. Lombard entrepreneurs have always been very attentive to the context and to new things. This is demonstrated by the stand-by contracts for an indefinite period until the reforms of the government, but also the attention to corporate welfare: in a period of crisis in fact emerges strongly the social role played by our companies that, instead of cutting, They have decided to increase the corporate welfare programs. Even the increased presence of women in decision-making roles and, more generally, the company is synonymous with entrepreneurial maturity “.

” The most dynamic companies in the areas of medium and high tech emerged from the data, then – He adds the president of Confindustria Lombardia – testifies that the path taken by our manufacturing companies is the right one. The next jump is to the Industry 4.0 but to address the transition needed investment, even in high-skilled human resources, as well as a control room public-private “, concludes Alberto Ribolla.

These, in detail, the most significant data emerged from the eighth edition of the Report of Confindustria Lombardia ‘Work in Lombardy’, survey that will be sent in full to September:

– In 2014 there will be trend (which started already for some years) the significant increase in the proportion of women holding senior management professional or semi-apical (managers and executives). Today the women involved in roles of middle and high responsibility weigh in Lombardy for 12.1% of total employees. ( Figure 1 );

– The 2014 recorded a small but widespread reduction in the number of employees with permanent contracts (-1.6% compared to 2013). An apparent reversal of an established feature of the organic Lombard – the high proportion of workers with stable contracts – which had also been confirmed in the worst years of the crisis: a vital need for our companies, which on the constancy of the ratio work with their employees more specialized build a leading competitive assets. In fact, as amply demonstrated recently data on Compulsory Communications in the first quarter of 2015 provided by the Ministry of Labour, the phenomenon is attributable to the expectation for tax relief and for the introduction of the new contract to increasing protections on new hires that are actually entered into force since the beginning of 2015; ( Figure 2 )

– The companies operating in the medium-high and high technology are the most open to women and young people, with a strong focus on retention policies Resources human. According to the survey in 2015 of Confindustria Lombardia on Labour Market Lombard for 2014 it is in these companies that are found the highest rates of feminization of employees in Lombardy (respectively 21.8% for the medium-high tech and 30.8% for high tech) and an application above the regional average for apprenticeship contracts (26.2% of them use the MHT companies and 21.2% of HT). Firms in the sectors with higher technological intensity shine also for the highest incidence of new open-ended contracts (respectively 35.6% and 52.2% of total recruitment) and greater use of instruments of welfare (using them respectively 46.7% of MHT and 52.5% of HT); ( graphics 3 )

– Despite the austerity imposed by the long crisis, the Lombard companies have not “cut” the resources of corporate welfare, indeed. According to the survey in 2015 of Confindustria Lombardia on Labour Market Lombard in 2014, in 42% of Lombard employees benefit from social welfare programs, in many cases initiated in the last few years; ( Figure 4 )

The sample analyzed by the Study Centre of Confindustria Lombardia consists of 1,430 member companies for 213,467 employees. 72.4% of companies in the sample belongs to the manufacturing industry, 27.6% in the service sector. The sample covers evenly all size classes, and all classes of technological intensity (Low Tech 22.4%, 35.9% Medium Low, Medium High 32.1%, High Tech 9.6%.

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