Friday, July 31, 2015

Cryolite, the favela to the stars: “Without the people of bairro my rap … – The Republic

Cryolite is in Italy for two concerts. Roma 31, Oristano on 1 August. He tells the hellish cradle of his music. “In Sao Paulo I saw and I see things I do not wish anyone to see.” One thing for groped to imagine, but without going near nemmen: 56,000 people killed only in 2012. Mostly in the endless suburre despair endless calls favelas. Where he was born and raised and which sings the dead of so-called Crackolandia or a slum of 2044 with young criminals whose only novelty are the technologies with which they are condemned to kill. Worlds locked in their invisible yet colossal tragedy of injustice total and absolute misery. Only four years ago the prince strong and wise, but not yet well known, Brazilian hip hop, had decided to leave the music. Then, his closest friends and musicians, Ricardo Costa, Daniel Ganjaman and Marcelo Cabral, the Han gave a hard surprise. With the ten pieces that cryolite had intended to use only family, thanks to a father and mother which owes so much, and also, of course, for the three sisters and brothers. It was 2011. A hard and very mature – indeed started in eleven years but has never sought a career, and in his very rare case are not just words – that is called No na orelha , a node ear. Turn triumphant and international, who blessed the already bountiful harvest of awards was added, and the Brazilian gem Ainda have time , 2006, there is still time, a title that at the time he made sure to think ‘ abandonment that the artist had in mind shortly. He was born a star, but that star was not nor ever will be. He, voice of the voiceless, capable of responding to a horror senz truce with the optimism of a priori “think positive”, but with that of poetry that is the reality experienced with your eyes and heart wide open, engaging every moment to change it. With an applicant, scathing humor that never hurts. They do not lack opponents, just pottering about some blog rap green gold. Founded or not, allegations are made in account cha van, now that cryolite shines even from a distance. All the world is sometimes really country, and slander and jealousy are everywhere a breeze …
The power of the collective. Hard to hear him say “I”, is almost always “we” the subject of his sentences. Ideal detector genetically collective pulse of his art. That without his bairro, its people and the formidable factory grown up with him, simply it would never have been. It is indeed with Ganjaman (keyboards), Cabral (bass), Sergio Machado (drums) and Guilherme Held (guitars), who returned to Italy cryolite riding the superb Convoque seu Buda , (invokes your Buddha , be understood as “calls into question your best”), the album that, from December 2014, has successfully imposed the world’s attention the African esperanto of a knight (with a few spots and some healthy fear), independence, talent and commitment. After the successful appearance at the Crane in Milan on July 21, it’s up to Rome on 31 July for the festival Eutropia, where it joins the expert and beautiful voice of Rosalia de Souza acid jazz with his quintet X, while on August 1 will be Oristano for the Dromos and then leave, destination France that have long loves. “I had a spiritual apprenticeship with my mother and one of friendship and vision with Dj Dandan, Ganjaman and Cabral. From the two of them I have learned a lot about the importance of technology to facilitate the communication of feeling, as well as the creation of jobs and work. Marcelo is a spectacular musician, Daniel is a master with huge technological knowledge inherited in family, Takara, who with his father and two brothers Claudio Daniel are the second generation of great music, for which they created a unique work environment in Brazil with the best equipment, both vintage and new. With them, it’s critical contribution to the mounting of Fernando Sanches, who always finds the right tone to suit all circumstances. Generally without my people, from those who beat the drums for musicians to those who deal with mail or phone and maybe a board of life, nothing of music out of my belly would have existed. “

A family Special. Or rather two. That of cryolite, narrow version of the bairro, was decisive nell’educarne the precocious talent. “My relationship with music in general and the song in particular, is the love of my mother for the arts, especially poetry and popular song. As a child I sang a lot with her, trying to imitate his voice and interpretation. It was the radio songs from the period immediately after the dictatorship, it was 1980, I was 5 years old. At home he listened to everything: Martinho da Vila, Elis Regina, Agnaldo Raiol, Caetano Veloso, Milton Nascimiento, choro of Agnaldo Timothy, the Xororó Moreira da Silva. And then everything went on TV and my mother and my father felt good, I sang. Family I have also learned a great love for vinyl, which to me is an eternal present in a reserved seat for the future, things that are on his side, for me, the affective quality and listening. And thanks again to my family, I really love the music of the Nordeste region, an immense treasure whose influence is heard here and there in what I compose. The other half of my training has been developed with the strong belonging to the family of rap and hip hop of St. Paul: a great school even life, to which I have cultivated an apprenticeship without a specific purpose, in friendship and in respect of the text you want to share with the world. ” And out of the house, the perfect reverse shot which widens the frame, zooming in on the volcanic rap scene paulista “Ganjaman Daniel is one of the most respected figures of rap Brazilian genius and the respect of the many who have worked with him. Even more, for the support he has always given to young people and not just rap. Like the ones I hear from time to Seleta coletiva, a meeting collective born to do this ten years ago, it became the space par excellence of plural musical life of St. Paul. But also a great challenge contemporary very important for the Brazilian scene. As the house hip hop Diadema, for years one of the few areas in the state of Sao Paulo to welcome the boys who have chosen that lifestyle, involving the arts and an awareness in tune with a social and political vision of Brazil and the world. In such spaces, which help to create thinking and live music, I realized the importance of going on stage. The rap has great value in our lives, and it is also the expression of an art that makes possible a dialogue on what is the real country of all, and not just one or the other part of society. More and more young people are organized and think of solutions to solve the problems of living together in our daily lives and of building a better society. The bailes funky (large gatherings recurring over time and usually outdoors, often by the sea, which for twenty years have become crucial socio-cultural laboratory of music that blends traditional and electronic, ed ) and meetings related to this beautiful expression, not only serve to dismantle the dominant aesthetic, but they are also very a way to know how people are, what he thinks and feels, how we can do our part in a society extremely repressive, racist, dominated by false appearances, inequality and economic egoism “.

That rap son of the blues. And of the people. gangsta Neither Bentley nor trimmed, gold chains, Adidas and guns. Hip hop and rap splendid forty cryolite, born Kleber Gomes Cavalcante from Sao Paulo, Grajau favela, extreme south of megacities more active and ferocious South America (ergo the world), embodies the spirit more noble black. What follows directly from the blues, from the narrative sad and made slaves, and located in the samba, equally syncretic son of the African diaspora tragic, his twin tropical. As are the endless forms of Cuba, the calypso of Trinidad, the morna of Cape Verde, the Portuguese fado, tango origins, black too. Yet the atavistic challenges blows of improvised poems, Mays for the crops and the Madonna and the rhymes in the eighth of our countryside, which in Brazil are so called, “Otava rhyme”. All stuff that comes, then as now, the collective, between the poor and on their roads, where if there is af-trusts the word, if you do not fight expressing die alive. Even cryolite, came into the world in a family from the state’s northeast of Roraima, which sentirgliela tell you would want for himself, grew up in a house without water and the mud floor. But his late “surrender” is not what the success is that of someone who after almost lost confidence in himself, he began to seek best to live up to serve his people. There is even the Gramscian in its determination to shed Socratic culture to bring out the best from them. Which he doubles as a teacher in music schools, historic refuge, as the gyms of capoeira, the street children: “You can not expect the people that they have never been given. I perceive with growing gratitude the poor people of Roraima, which nevertheless continues to worry that things will be better for everyone. In them you do not really have anything, I see the same desire for justice and emotions, of things done with the heart for the heart, which is what worries us, excites and pleases. The same feeling that links young people in the aspiration to a better world. In my bairro there are many artistic collectives that have to fight for access to art as to the improvements to education, health, urban mobility: it is they who always inspire our work as musicians. “

A long work over time. If, besides them that tells how a storyteller by modern information and belief, cryolite has been able to seduce the glamor of the Brazilian edition of Rolling Stone and MTV, winning three awards in 2011 with No na orelha – one was for the single Nao existe amor em Sao Paulo the occasion sung by Caetano Veloso, his great admirer – Ney Matogrosso, Milton Nasciminento, who asked the text for one of his songs for the last disc of Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil, Chico Buarque and Spike Lee, who wanted to interview for his Go Brazil Go , will have a reason to be there. It is, simply, that cryolite, epithet not exactly kind to “negro”, which seems to have chosen to punish the pride of having been summoned by young rapper “Duido”, sort of enlightened right, worked over time, without haste. But a lot and seriously. From that clear militant love of the world and of life that is. And that brings free download on its website that keeps track of everything and filming in the studio and live, that as a boy loves vinyl and uses it regularly. Who always believed in random times that life called for the outputs of the discs, without caring too much about the market strategies. And it uses always the individual, outdated industry in rich countries, but there accessible messages in the bottle for a marginalized community, however large and willing to be there and try to change. All choices that have regularly awarded the slow growth of the mighty esperanto of African beats, funky, reggae, electronic smart, regional styles, in which cryolite is writing present and the future also the Musica Popular Brazileira.

The Best of Youth of St. Paul. Why pure song and melody han deep roots in the history of mystical fighter for a planet less indecent, who live kindled in a titanic physicality. Able to bring 180,000 people to Bairro Santana St. Paul for the concert with Ivete Sangalo in tribute to legend Tim Maya, last May. And if it is normal at home, they are far less than the five bewitched Central Park in spring 2014. Or those that more and more we have followed from 2012 the regular tour in Northern Europe. Up to one in January for the launch of Convoque seu Buda . Waiting, next to Kassim, Moreno Veloso, all’Orquestra Imperial and Santtana Lucas, along with the crowd of talents that every day face the scene of perhaps the richest land, Brazil has now another irresistible ambassador of sounds, dreams and life . You spend willingly to put in view homegrown talent: “Brazil for music is a country-continent of boundless wealth would be unwise to choose one or the other name. So I just St. Paul, I know a little ‘better because I live and see. And there still are born each day from a large MC rap scene in continuing strong growth. A few names: the loud and wonderful Jussara Marçal, the genius of Thiago França, Black Alien and Kiko Dinucci, rap mutant Emicida, the sweet voice of Tulipa Ruiz, who sang with me in Convoque seu Buda , the musicality of Rael by Don L and Rima, the vocal versatility of Barbatuques, to the tradition of giving Onete and Dona Ina “.


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