Auditel quote on the stock exchange by the next (and beyond) year. The proposal to land on the Milan Stock now detects that the television audience (where recently in the Board next to RAI, Mediaset, La7 entered Sky and Discovery) and then measure the market for television, it was announced a few days ago by Lorenzo Sassoli de Bianchi, president of UPA (Associated Advertising Union stands for, the associative body that brings together the most important and prestigious industrial, commercial and service companies that invest in advertising and communication), which is part of the members of Auditel.
The proposed IPO, explains Sassoli de Bianchi “is the result of a long process of innovation promoted by UPA, and that led to the entrance of Sky and Discovery on the board of the company and the position of the majority of the component market in the same council. Now for Auditel it is to take a further step towards the transparency and independence. We want to do Auditel a glass house, and we will seek the best formula to protect the balance faces independence. “
This would be a significant innovation, that of the IPO, in a raster and Italian media in profound transformation, albeit later than in other Western countries, with the advent of digital technology, the expected reform of Rai several times announced by Matteo Renzi and landing of Netflix in the fall. With the way technology, connection and using the TV, to be honest, it is also profoundly changing the measurement of audience, compared to the old traditional champion. Auditel, in fact, is building a “Superpanel” consists of 15,600 families, with Italy will be the first country in the world to make it happen and with the aim of responding to the extreme fragmentation of the television audience, created by the proliferation of channels and variety mode of use, they do grow, to have reliable data, the need for more detailed analysis.
In June 2016 Superpanel should be operational and for 2016 it is spoken to list on the Stock Exchange Auditel. Quote Auditel would “formidable, by 2016 we’ll see what happens,” he said the chairman of Auditel Giulio Malgara then added: “It is a step towards transparency. I founded and drive it over 30 years, and it is above all the transparency that we will no longer be in the hands of broadcasters but to viewers and become a public company so that everyone has cognizance of their investments. “
Beyond the enthusiasm (understandable) of Malgara are still the words of Sassoli de Bianchi that bring us into the present stage of profound changes in the media sector, where TV and interconnection, multimedia and technological innovation intersect continuously. For the issues of broadband and reform Rai, we mentioned before, and which in the reports of previous years the UPA (of which he is president Sassoli de Bianchi) had always argued urges tions and proposals.
This year President Upa wanted to stress that “it seems quite firm, we are at the stake. Italy – warned – it stops at the 91 th place for connection speed, and 30% of the population is not connected. ” Data, the data, which would have slowed the landing of Netflix, which will in any case in autumn, in consideration of the fact that for Netflix a lack of coverage of 30% is equivalent to a failure potential market of 30%. Read with these additional data system, the proposal to list on the stock exchange Auditel can be considered besides an element of transparency on the market also as an attempt to accelerate the changes of the system.
Let’s see why. The Italian market is opening but further reforms are lagging behind as well as the upgrading of the technology infrastructure. Auditel, which has several members, including Fiege, Assocom, Unicom, Rai, RTI, La7 and TI Media, decided to update its Panel, this time spurred by Sky, who along with Discovery has entered the Board of Directors Auditel. All this with the advertising market that is slowly but surely spreading. Really an interesting puzzle which remains to understand only one thing (perhaps most important): will change something for audience measurement with the IPO? We’ll see.
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