Thursday, July 9, 2015

Visconti: “Guys, do not underestimate the quality of the Italian university … – Varese News

federico viscounts
Cattaneo University – Liuc

Practical, direct, very attentive to the precise form but the content. Accustomed to address real business issues and concrete, Federico Visconti is immediately striking for its concrete ways. Avoids any theoretical rumination and always shows the speech in concrete terms of who has very idea of ​​having a mission: to help grow the managers of tomorrow.

He will, on November 1st, to succeed Valter Lazzari driving dell ‘ Liuc University of Castellanza. He arrived in 2011 to the university founded by industrialists in the province of Varese, asks for time to study all the peculiarities of an environment that, undoubtedly, has little emphasis professorial traditional

What are your plans?
“Say you are still in an exploratory phase. I need to learn more. The first impression, however, is to be in a very alive. The professors are generally characters a bit ‘strange, attentive to formalities. Here, however, I found quite a cooperative and constructive. A not insignificant detail: in a system that is often cast by the bureaucracy, the Liuc can afford to act with greater agility , meeting the needs and demands of its “stakeholders”. It has a capacity to innovate and initiate experimental paths with time much more appropriate to changes in the outside world. And then, while not reaching extreme situations, has successfully started the internationalization. “

Here, the word, internationalization, intrigues me much. Today the students, since the school curriculum, they seek a certification that allows them to go and study abroad. Idea that he’s made of this globalization of academic training?
“I’d say that is a bit ‘the price for a crisis that has affected our economy. Young people see no future for which they decide to groped the way foreign and this choice always comes first. If, however, in addition to the suggestions we look a bit ‘in the production system, we realize that there are many companies, even with two or three hundred employees, who do not have an Italian among employees. And this is a second problem, linked to the expectations of our young people. In this situation I would invite us to reflect on the quality of academic: it would be good not to be carried away by fads. A membership is open to the world, discuss, have opportunities for growth in order to compete globally, another is to underestimate a training model that is of undoubted quality. Liuc, for example, offers degree courses entirely in English as well as the opportunity of a double degree, recognized both in Italy and in the country with which the University has launched twinning in this sense. “

Many Italians who go abroad, but few of them are formed in Italy
” The speech is very complex and It provides strategies, investments, objectives targeted. Some people did but express will. I express myself as a university teacher of long standing, and I believe it is essential to have that target. It is certain that one more open to the world, the stronger in the global market. But I think that a good result is also to raise the young Italian, to train their brains, enabling them to raise any challenge. If we can create a manager capable of creating even only two jobs we have won our bet. Here we work for small but important challenges to support our economy. For now Liuc invests on the meeting of its students abroad. Maybe, one day, you can even think to attract foreigners. “

But the university is able to intercept the needs of the future and build figures adequate to the challenges ahead?
“No one, not even the most enlightened entrepreneur, can imagine what it will be in ten years. I believe that tomorrow need to be ready to have a solid base of knowledge on which to add wide-ranging experiences. And it is this combination that Liuc provides students with: a three-year period based on the skills base, and indispensable cross and then two years of specialization in which they are asked to choose between different concrete programs, where they can experiment, get involved, do. Let’s talk about summer school, internship, exchange, start up, collaborations with Harvard. And, yet innovative laboratories and research centers, open to learn about the latest technology. “

Be careful also to teach new management models ?
“Of course, in a world that goes to the” share economy “or the” Weconomy “, students must learn to relate, to work in teams. I must say, though, that these are concepts that even the Italian is hard to accept: for our nature we are led to individualism, to the turf. That, however, is the way and the young must learn to accept it. “

What would you recommend to a new graduate struggling with the choice of university ?
“In my day, there were very few universities and a few courses. Today it is not so: we have seen a fragmentation of supply academic and certainly not helped to steer the boys. I am convinced that the choice should take place during the course of high school, from the second or third year. It is at this stage that young people should meet the academic world, to really meet him and not in the open day which, in the end, are the days of marketing a bit ‘limited. Liuc, to promote awareness of children, opened its doors in the summer between fourth and last year, hosting them in class, organizes learning week, it involves them with local initiatives of various kinds. I’d like that institutions invitassero academics to talk, to explain to the kids how to study, how to prepare for their university studies. “

The time is expired. Before leaving I take it off guard with a question decidedly not “practice”.
What comment, in the future, she would like to hear about her?
The future chancellor is displaced but reacts within seconds: “I’d like them to say:” He was always himself and has worked with many different people in a constructive way “”

The selection of Liuc

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