‘ Innovation Digital is one of the main engines of the current change in companies. Customer expectations towards the technological innovations are increasing and thus gain a competitive edge in this area can have important effects on the business, as well as, conversely, it can have a harmful any delay. The technological challenges are intertwined with the need for organizational change. Between now and the future, the way businesses use the new technologies will change radically. A large company as he prepares to face the challenges that technological developments imply? How will combine innovations in the offer to the market? What skills will be developed? What will be the profile and the “weight” of the organization digital communications ? What skills should have communicators?
These are just some of the questions to which we must try to answer if you want to predict the future. We spoke with Isabella Panizza, Head of Global Digital Communications Enel . His role makes it responsible for the digital presence of the Enel Group, the corporate website in the presence Social Media of the company, through the support of digital activities in over 30 countries where the Enel Group is this. In 18 years as a journalist between Italy and the United Kingdom was among the first to realize the potential of digital: after several years in the field of fashion and luxury magazines such as Vanity Fair and Vogue Italy, in 2008 he became managing editor of Wired.it, then move on to Style.it, covering roles before landing in YOOX as Branding & amp; Communication Manager with the responsibility of the publishing and Content Marketing.
How Enel has changed in the last year?
I arrived at Enel in July 2015, for which I am completing my first year and I have not been part of the previous seasons of the company. Certainly in less than a year I have seen many things change, the effect of Enel’s new strategy that we called Open Power. My arrival itself is part of this change: a manager arrived from outside, with international and digital experience. A radical change that reveals much of the gear shift that our CEO Francesco Starace has wanted since he took office at the top. This change can be summarized in two words: culture and approach. This change is embodied in the quest for greater speed and streamlining of processes, in pursuit of an opening of the company to customers and partners, in the ambition to drive the change taking place in the energy sector rather than suffer it.
What will be new for the digital strategy?
our digital strategy fits into the broader horizon of the global strategy (Open Power). Our CEO gave the challenger a lens digital: be Best-In-Class. This means to me develop four distinctive attitudes: a) Lean Processes; b) User-Centric Approach; c) Experience Seamless; d) Inspirational Storytelling. Our digital strategy is therefore based on a mobile-first approach and focusing on User experience to enhance the experience (as is visible on the new enel.com); the importance of original content (if we want a result of my past as a journalist) and obsession with the needs of users to which we turn.
Isabella Panizza
We are working on the simplification and redefinition of the entire ecosystem of Enel web sites at all levels. This process also takes place in the ecosystem social media
What are the new projects in the works?
In a few months to January 2016, we launched a site designed with all the top sized partners in the international scene (Huge). But this was only the beginning, our MVP (Minimum Viable Product). In fact, we are already testing the 2.0 release. which will be online in the coming weeks.
followed by the global roll-out of this new approach in the over 30 countries where Enel is present. In parallel to the global rebranding we are therefore working on the simplification and redefinition of the entire ecosystem of Enel web sites at all levels. This process also takes place in the ecosystem social media, where we are completing the design phase of our new presence as a holding company and the restructuring of the entire ecosystem social world (in all languages of the group). Along with these important processes (and challenging for a manager) then we are involved in many projects of the newspaper group: Enel is first and foremost a company of technological innovation that ranges from the production of electricity with plants of all types (including Stillwater in Nevada that produces energy by combining three different renewable forms) for smart grids, and from startups to electric mobility. To which is added Enel Open Fiber (fiber) and a whole host of other activities that aim to make the world a better place. And that should be notified.
Along with the new logo has also got the new site, designed with a Lean Startup approach.
The Lean Start approach -Up has characterized us and it was one of the distinguishing characteristics that I tried to “import” in Enel on my arrival. The site has been built from scratch using Design Thinking and Fast Prototyping, involving all the souls of the company (by the legal IT) and trying to mediate, however, that was not a compromise to make everyone happy. The profound difference with the past is to understand the need to design a site that was “alive” (because it is constantly changing over time) and was designed starting from the needs of its users, and not by our needs, a site that would give priority to content and the transactions they make visitors and not the needs of organization chart. All this would have been impossible without recourse to the lean startup process: the complexity is such as to paralyze the change or slow down the action. Thanks lean approach we have instead become our motto “Done is better than perfect.” Now mantra for our project manager.
Social media present us the challenge and we will know pick
How will the communication on company? What tags to bet?
I would say hashtag now! Definitely “Brand Journalism” and “Inspirational Storytelling”. As you will see in the coming months the Enel approach will be tied to the exploitation of people and stories that make Enel company that is changing the world. This means the production of original content products already thinking to social channels on which they will live. We have so much to tell, we have always had, but we never focused to do it. Social media put us to the challenge and we will be able pick it up.
Why did the CEO and most managers do not communicate directly for example on Twitter? What are the pros of this choice that might seem inconsistent with the Open Power strategy and with the world trends?
Though you might be fast, no company the size of Enel can express a change from today to tomorrow. New communication platforms offer opportunities but also challenges, important challenges especially for companies that are not start-ups but they have over 50 years of history and therefore of culture and processes. Open Power was therefore a radical change in itself, which soon led to a rebranding (after 18 years) and to a new site (in a few months). Among the upcoming changes in the list there will be important news also on Personal Branding of what we call our Inspirational Leadership. Will see some good in the coming months because even on this issue are aiming to be Best-In-Class .
How should change the human resources to communicate on the digital, what skills should have?
Digital communication is now mainly social media. And it comes to platforms that have become “literate” population groups that had been excluded from the Internet. The change of Enel’s human resources follows this trend by dispensing with Enel. The issue of skills is an organizational issue that is independent from Digital and follows the huge changes in the HR paradigm level. Transformations that have not crystallized, and that no one has dominated completely. The features that facilitate our activities are undoubtedly those typical of digital natives: proactivity, curiosity and use of social media. Our Head of Human Resources and Organization, Francesca di Carlo, have long started a project (6Digital) that is mapping the digital willingness and skills of all employees Enel in the world. It is a fundamental project for Enel as a whole because it will help to periodically focus the qualitative change of Human Resources in the company, the first step to enhance what we already have and to understand what to develop. From this point of view our role as Holding Digital Communications is to contribute to the acceleration of cultural change through the digital. A change in any case already led by the HR plans of Enel.
In exchange for Enel’s objectives, with a strong opening to the market for connectivity, as it is a strategic digital communication?
Digital communication is strategic for Enel as with any business today. Enel has recognized this strategic in fact with the launch of the new logo designed with a strong digital center of gravity. The opening of the company towards new technologies (as in the case of Enel Open Fiber) is within the points that define the Open Power approach that guides the action of Enel in 2016 as a group.
the communication will be one-way or two-way? Able to converse with the customer?
Digital communication is two-way nature. So Enel intends to find the best way to participate in the conversation by adding value. The opening towards stakeholders (clients and others) always falls within the Open Power, our response to the challenges facing the world today, hyper-connected and complex, offers us.
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