Thursday, September 8, 2016

FINANCE / If Renzi to survive gives to the French General – The


The French bank SocGen is the new number two shareholder of Generali; with a stake of 4.17% of the first the French Institute Italian insurance comes after the shareholder historical control Mediobanca, with 13%, and first Italian entrepreneur Caltagirone holds a stake of 3.4%. The majority of the investment would be held through derivatives, but discovering a leading French bank among the major shareholders of one of the three main European insurance is definitely “too much” to catalog the operation between normal investment activities of a bank; especially if the news comes at a time when there are many operations and the rumor on the Italy-France and if the new holding is taken in a company, Generali, which is involved in rumors of a possible merger with France’s Axa two decades. Today, the controlling shareholder of Telecom Italy control is the French Vivendi shares after a build-up began almost by accident and then continued the general indifference of the country’s system and perhaps even in unbelief, so good luck, the new shareholder. Participation spendibilissima and rivendibilissima control at a time of European mergers in the telecom sector with at least one subject, the Orange in substantial control of the French state, interested to get your hands on the former state monopoly of a country of 60 million inhabitants with a developed economy. Investments of this systemic and strategic caliber for the record are very hard to find because it usually. “Incomprabili”

The rumor on the Italy-France continued in the summer with the possibility of a merger between Airbus and Finmeccanica in which the company controlled firmly by the French state would touch on a strategic Italian companies in the defense sector, with some technological excellence of the highest level and not replicable. You may also write encyclopedias of articles on a merger of equals, but the whole world knows that if this merger goes ahead to command the French would at least be able to make a country a thousand times more cohesive system than ours.

Today, which talks about General with the significant participation that could also increase and that at the appropriate time could “count” very much especially if it were to vote on a merger. The Italian majority shareholder of Generali is facing a strategic rethink and a possible replacement in its controlling shareholders for capital difficulties Unicredit; the Italian economic and financial system is the shadow of that of thirty years ago and Mediobanca is shifting for years its interests in London. Many medium-sized Italian companies are now foreign-controlled and buy financial services they need on the global market. It sold to pieces important parts of the Italian economy has led to a situation where there is no longer an “Italian system” to serve and that of course is for those who speaks his language.



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